Friday, October 11, 2013

Some weeks...

Some weeks pass so quickly and easily.  Other weeks seem to drag on, and the boys seem to be extra challenging.  This last week has been a little harder.  I am slightly more emotional than usual, and there have been some moments that normally I probably would overlook, but have been harder to handle with all my crazy raging hormones.  Wesley is getting a bit of an attitude.  He is the funniest, sweetest, smartest little guy with a HUGE personality.  However, with that comes a lot of stubbornness, and a lot of attitude.  He has said some things that I know I can't take to heart because he is only four, but still make wonder what life will be like in 10 years!!  He is smart and witty, and is figuring out how to use that to his advantage.  I am in trouble!!  Also, the boys flight a lot over silly things, and Chase is super emotional.  Since he can't talk much to express his feelings, he just cries and cries.  Sometimes, all we can do to calm him down is put him down for a nap.  There is always crying, screaming, or hurt feeling between the two and I am trying to figure out the best way to handle each situation.  I love having kids close in age, but it certainly comes with its own set of challenges.  However, I realize this is just a phase that has come and will hopefully pass soon.   I think back to just a few months ago when I had really bad morning sickness and really couldn't do anything.  The boys were amazing for those few months.  I don't know if it was divine intervention, or just a good phase they were going though, but I know it happened for a reason.  I was able to take 2 hour naps everyday.  The boys entertained themselves, they didn't fight much, and they were very well behaved.   Now it seems they know I can handle more, so they are trying to throw a little more my way.  Nothing I can't handle though :-)

At this moment,  Jason is watching the boys ride their bikes outside, so I am able to sit down for a minute and write a little about our week while dinner is cooking.  Even though there are challenging times, there is always an abundance of blessings and happiness!

  I have been trying to redo the boy's room to make way for baby.  I still have a few months, but I like to be prepared.   I found super awesome bunk-beds (really a loft bed, but we are going to make them into bunk beds).  They are twin sized so the boys will get years of use out of them, but they are small and short so they fit in our little room, and I am not worried about Wesley hurting himself on the top bunk.  Wesley LOVES his new bed, and while Chase likes them too, he still doesn't want to sleep on the bottom.  However, we are keeping the crib up (it is converted into a toddler bed right now), so he can sleep there for a while until we need the bed for baby.  We also decorated for Halloween at the end of September.  I love this time of year, and Wesley has been really excited for Halloween.  He is really interested in all the "spooky" aspects, and has been asking to watch Halloween movies almost every day.  The Night Before Christmas is his current favorite.  I love how excited he is.  He wanted to make some ghosts for the front yard.  I just stuffed some kitchen trash bags with newspaper and drew faces on the front, and the boys think they are amazing even though I think they are super cheesy looking.  :-)   I also took the boys to a local museum that I used to go to when I was a little girl.  Not a lot has changed, and it brought back a lot of memories.  It was super empty, and we were one of the only people there except for a school group.  It is always nice to get out and show the boys a bit of the world :-)  It is hard trying to find new ways to keep the boys (and myself) busy during the week, especially since we have decided it was best to not put Wesley in preschool.  He will be in school all his life, and we want to enjoy our last year together before he is in school.  However, it is hard trying to find new, fun, and educational things to do. 

Here are some pictures of things we have been doing over the last few weeks.  
Daddy is good at catching lizards, and Wesley loves holding them

It kind of gives me the creeps watching the lizards crawl all over him

These boys may fight all the time, but they sure do love each other

They are constantly giving each other hugs (and then they will pull each other down and laugh hysterically) 

craft time - just trying to find things to do to keep everyone busy!! 

Yay for Museums!!! 

I love his enthusiasm for everything

Yay for having the museum almost to ourselves!! 

Wesley's favorite part - the minerals and crystals 

There is nothing like welcoming in Autumn than with a new yummy  candle!! 


New bed!!

Reading nook on the bottom until Chase wants to sleep down there.  Eventually we will buy him a twin bed to put down there


aprilaleman said...

what museum is that?

April and Jason said...

April - it is the San Bernardino Museum

Chelsea said...

That bed is so cool! I can totally relate to those weeks, some just seem to drag on even though life really is good. You sure have two cuties!