Saturday, October 12, 2013

Disneyland #11

Disneyland is turning into more of something to do during the week to keep us busy than the magical adventure it once was :-)  Well, at least for me.  The boys still love the place, and sweet little Chase with his limited vocabulary excitedly says, "Dey-land!!!!!!!!"  when ever he hears me mention the possibility of going there.  I am loving how much he loves it there.  Just before the summer he never seemed to care one way or the other, but he has so much joy at Disneyland.  I love experiencing the magic through his eyes.  Going is a lot of work, but it is worth it, and I love being able to only spend a few hours there before any of us get too worn out.  On Thursday, we spent most of time in the Halloween carnival area over by Thunder Mountain.  I think we only went on two rides that day.  Wesley really wanted to go on the Pirate ride, and I made sure Chase got a chance to go on a choo choo.  Instead of going on the big train (I'm kind of getting a little tired of that one), we went on the little cassy jr train in Fantasy Land.  Chase is only two, but he sure is patient and well behaved in line for me when he knows he is going to get to ride a "real" choo choo!!!  Sweet boy.  :-)    

I just couldn't get a good smile out of Chase that day, but he sure was cute in his new Levi pants :-)  

Donald liked his orange hair that matched all the pumpkins

We ate lunch in the Halloween carnival area and watched Billy Hill and The Hillbillies show after

During the show Halloween Mickey and Minnie came out to dance with the kids, but most of the kids were pretty shy and just watched mickey dance

Wesley really wanted to go inside a "spooky" tent that was set up in the middle of the carnival.  We waited outside for about 5 minutes, and then it opened up and we walked into this dark tent not really knowing what we were going to see.  They asked for a volunteer, and ended up picking Wesley.  He got to "Conjure a villain"  and used a magic wand to cast a spell over a cauldron.   I could see him shaking a little because they had spooky music playing to set the mood.  It was kind of dark in there too (my flash makes everything look bright). When he was done he came running back to me, and smoke came out of that box on the side, and the Evil Queen appeared.  Wesley and Chase got to be the first to meet her.  Chase, who is very nervous around characters, went right up to her with Wesley and smiled and didn't seem scared at all.  Go figure!  :-) 

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