Wednesday, September 25, 2013

21 weeks

I made it over half way, and I am getting excited!!  (And nervous!)  Having Wesley early makes me appreciate having an "uneventful" pregnancy so far.  I breath a sigh of relief after each passing week, knowing I am getting closer to having a healthy baby. Wesley's pregnancy was really good and easy too, so you just never know when things can take a turn.  I feel really good, and I feel mostly back to normal.  I still get tired a lot easier than when I'm not pregnant, but I really have nothing to complain about!  I know I still have months to go, but I am grateful that I feel good, and I am really enjoying being pregnant right now.  However, I am huge!  I apparently have an anterior placenta, which will make me get bigger, faster (hence me thinking there were twins in there a few weeks ago)!  I really think I am about as big as I was when I had Wesley at 34 weeks.  However, I love looking pregnant, and I really don't mind being big at all.  I know it is just for a short time, and I love having a wiggling baby inside me.  My belly is perfect size right now I think - big enough to look really pregnant, but not big enough to get in the way, or to be uncomfortable yet. I started at 125lbs, went down to 120 from morning sickness, and I am finally almost at 130lbs.  So, for having a big tummy, I still haven't gained too much yet.  I was like that with the other two though.  After 20 weeks is when I started gaining weight fast.  I was at the store the other day, and two girls, maybe ages 9 or 10, were looking at me.  One whispered to the other, "Hey...look at that fat lady!!!" They both started staring at me.  I turned to them, and and just stared at them as I gave them a big cheesy smile.  There are a million things I could have said, but I figured they must never have seen a pregnant lady before, and they were only kids.  I thought it was more funny than anything!

Wesley tells me all the time, "I love the baby!!  I'm so glad the baby is a boy!!!  Awwww!!" And then will hug and kiss the baby through the belly.  I'm glad he is excited, and I hope his excitement continues when the baby is born.  He tries to feel the baby moving, but the baby always seems to stop moving when Wesley puts his hand on.  Plus, the anterior placenta makes feeling the baby a little harder I think.

I keep trying to imagine what he will be like - blond?  Green eyes?  Calm?  Silly?  It is hard to imagine life with three kids, but I know it will only take a few months for everything to feel normal, and it will be hard to remember what life was like with "only" 2.    Life is quite the adventure - you just never know where it will take you, or what amazing experiences you will encounter along the journey.  I am excited for my upcoming journey!!  :-)

 I do not like taking pictures of myself, but while pregnant, I guess I feel prettier than normal, and I like to remember each stage, each week, each moment.  Even though I know I look tired in some, it is just how it is!!  :-)  So, bare with me as I post all these belly pictures over the weeks.  :-)

Looking at these pictures makes me realize I am not quite as big as I think I am (and maybe more tired than I realize I am!)

About a month ago when I was still using the fetal heart monitor, the boys loved listening to their own heart beats too.  Look how still Chase is trying to be. :-) Wesley didn't like sitting so still, so he liked using it on his throat to hear his voice.

Craving: sweets!  (When am I am not craving sweet really?!)  For lunch yesterday,  I made these dutch baby pancakes in the oven, and they were SOO good!!! 

This little boy is so lucky to have a grandma who is soo talented!  She has been busy making all these cute items for the little guy!  I can't wait to use them on him!  :-) 

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