Thursday, September 19, 2013

Disneyland #10

Holy Moly - I can't believe I have ventured off to Disneyland 10 times since April, mostly alone with the two munchkins.  I don't know how much longer I will be able to go by myself while pregnant, but we will certainly try to go as long as we can until baby comes. 

Yesterday I woke up to a nice cloudy sky.  I decided it would be a good Disney day, so we hurried and got ready and left on a whim.  The drive there was amazing - until we got to the parking lot which was closed.  They diverted us to a different parking lot a few streets away.  It took another 30 min to get to the new parking lot because of traffic, and this one we had to be shuttled to the park by bus.  Not a bad deal usually, but I have a double stroller with lots of stuff under it, and in order to get on the bus, we have to collapse the stroller and drag it on, and try not to hit all the other passengers with it on the way in.  We made it there alive, and in one piece, even though I was already tired before even entering Disneyland!!  Wesley really wanted to go on the Haunted Mansion ride since it is all decorated with the Nightmare Before Christmas stuff (Wesley's new favorite movie).  He was so excited to see Jack.  We slowly made our way to the ride, stopping to take pictures here and there.  Wesley and Chase were really scared.  We have been on it before, but it seems to be a little more frightening with the new set up.  After the ride, we noticed Jack was outside taking pictures, and Wesley really wanted to met him.  It was a really long line, but that is the beauty of a pass - it doesn't matter if we spend half our trip waiting for a picture, we will just come back another day.  However, it wasn't the time I was worried about - it was the heat.  The line was moving sooooo slow.  Sally joined Jack, and finally, after about 40 min, we got to meet both of them.  Normally talkative Wesley was super quiet as Jack and Sally asked him a bunch of questions.   He couldn't stop staring at Jack's face.  He was in awe.  We took some quick pics, and hopped on the train.  Chase had been asking to go on the train over and over in the Jack line (its one of his favorite rides).  After that, we ate lunch by the river and got to feed the ducks.  Wesley said, "MMMMmmmm, this lunch is deeeelicious!!!"  He must have been starving because it was just PB&J.  We then went on the Pooh ride, jungle cruise, and then Peter Pan.  We didn't do a lot, but we were there for what seemed like a good amount of time.    We finished with an ice cream sundae on main street.  I don't buy them stuff at Disneyland very often (super expensive!!!), but once in a while is a fun treat.  I really enjoyed myself yesterday, and the boys were sooooo good for me.  They patiently stand in line, and rarely give me any trouble.  I was pretty tired by the time we made the long journey back to the car, but we created lots of fun memories! 

Waiting for Jack

Sweet brothers

While Jack was talking,  the boys couldn't take their eyes off his face

He was so distracted he didn't know what to do.  "Smile Welsey....Smile!!!"

Lunch by the River

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