Friday, September 13, 2013

Sweet Little Baby

Yesterday was an exciting day full of a whirlwind of emotions.  My ultrasound was early in the morning, and Jason's mom came over to watch the boys so Jason and I could go get a peak at our baby.  I had been drinking water all morning as per ultrasound instructions  (as well as not going pee in the morning since I had gone in the middle of the night anyways).  My bladder was super full, and I kind of regretted drinking that last cup of water.  We got there early, and we had to wait in the waiting room for a while.   Kaiser had a nature video playing in the waiting room to "relax" the patients, but on the screen was a running river, a trickling stream, and of course a water fall.  Jason and I thought that was pretty funny.  I finally get called in, and she told me it was going to be a long ultrasound (which means I was going to have a long time until I could unload my bladder!)   I always try to judge how the baby is doing by the look on the ultrasound tech's face (since I can't see the screen for the first part), but I think they have all perfected their poker face.  Apparently my bladder was way too full, so she thankfully made me go to the restroom, and I was able to enjoy the rest of the ultrasound a little better.  I was really worried about the baby.  My 9 week ultrasound looked different from my last two, and of course I studied that picture more than I should have.  The head looked a little odd to me, and so I was kind of worried that something was wrong with his head.   All I wanted to do was see the babies head to make sure it was ok!   As soon as Jason came in, she showed us his head first thing (I didn't even ask), and it looked perfect to me.  I am no expert, and she isn't allowed to tell us if anything is wrong, but it looked great, and I was so relieved.  A huge blessing.  The baby was wiggling, and it is amazing how my love can grow just from seeing a little wiggling black and white image on a screen.  She went through all the body parts, and I sat in amazement watching my baby for the first time.  Such a little miracle.  She asked if we wanted to know the gender.  I told her we have two boys, and are pretty sure this one was a boy too.  Immediately she scanned down 'there' and said "yup, you are right!!"  She printed out some pictures for us, and Jason and I headed to the car full of smiles.  I was so happy the baby looked healthy (we still have to wait for my doctor's appointment in two weeks to know for sure).  We were both happy to welcome another sweet boy in our family.  I was so excited, and yet, a part of me was concerned and worried about what some people were going to think - particularly some family  that really wanted us to have a girl.  I kept telling myself that it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks.  This is MY baby, and what Jason and I think is all that matters. Unfortunately, it kind of got me a little down yesterday (not the having a boy part, but some of the comments), and I am sad that I let others' opinions put a damper on our special day.  I wish there wasn't such an importance placed on gender, but rather on the new little life being created.  However, I woke up today so excited thinking about my new little boy, and honestly, nothing else really matters.  For the record, most people are very excited, loving, and happy along with us.  Maybe I am just hormonal and emotional, but to me it only takes one or two  negative comments to put a damper on things.  It doesn't matter though, because every time he kicks, I feel so happy.  Seeing him and finding out the gender makes things feel more real, and I feel more connected to him.  He is not a distant thought, but a real baby growing inside me.  I keep staring at the ultrasound pictures in amazement.   I can't wait to see what he looks like, and what personality he will have.  When we came home and told Wesley the news, he didn't seem too concerned.  He already knew the baby was a boy, and had been telling me for a month that it was a boy baby.  The news was not new to him!  :-)  He said, "See, I knew the baby was a boy!"  Wesley is excited, and tells me he hopes the baby will be another Wesley with red hair!  :-)

  Our facebook announcement picture.  Chase helped me make the banner, and was so cute and excited to make it, even though he really doesn't understand what is going on yet.  

Here is the babies skull, and the next picture is his boy bits :-)  I think it is neat how the bone in his leg looks so bright.  

Here his little arm is in the air, and his head is stretched back.  It is not quite a profile becuase his head is tilted back and to the side a little, but it is really cute if you can make it out.  It took me a while to see it, but it is one of my favorite pics.  The next picture is a picture of his legs and other parts as he is  kind of sitting Indian style, but it is a little hard to make everything out. 


aprilaleman said...

I think it is great to have 3 cute little boys! Congrats!!! Like I said I kind of thought you would have another boy, I don't know why, but I did. :)

Chelsea said...

Congratulations!!!! How exciting. I would have loved to have three boy playmates (: I also love your announcement picture. You're amazing and such a great mom!