Tuesday, August 20, 2013


Sometimes, I feel like I spend a huge amount of my time just keeping my boys alive.  "Get down from the table"  "Dont eat that!"  "Don't jump down from there!"  "Don't touch the knife!!!!"  "Don't run in the street!!!"  "Make sure to wash your hands after playing in the dirt"  "Don't get into a strangers car" "Don't eat that candy off the street!!" And so on.  Over the last few months, Wesley has really kept me on my toes. Well, Chase started it when he got into some medicine and had to go to the ER in March.  We had a quiet few months, and then Wesley wanted a turn at the fun. Wesley had to go to urgent care over bad stomach aches that would make him throw up and cry in pain.  They couldn't figure anything out, and did a few tests, but nothing has come back as the reason for the pain.  Then, Wesley gashed his head open and had to go to the ER to get a staple.  Then, he went to the doctors because he was complaining of pain in his ear.  They said he had a small ear infection, but it was so minor he didn't need meds.  Two weeks later he got a really high fever (spiked at 104.5).  I took him to urgent care again, and they said he had an ear infection on the other side and it was bad enough to need antibiotics.  THEN, a week later he started getting this itchy rash all over his arms and legs.  Over the course of the day it got worse and worse, and I finally found out he was allergic to the antibiotics and had to stop taking them.  The same day, he went outside and slammed a metal shovel into his toe (he missed the ground), and got a bad cut on his toe.  Luckily, Jason was home for this one because he was away on business for I think all the other incidents.  My parents are kind enough to run over to my house during these fun events to watch Chase so I can take Wesley to the doctors. Anyways, Jason grabbed Wesley and cleaned him off and had to apply pressure to his toe for a while to get it to stop bleeding. We have a lovely trail of blood drops on our back patio as a souvenir.  The rash healed, the toe is scabbed over, and right when I think things are starting to calm down, Chase rolls off the curb in his tricycle, and face plants into the asphalt and gets a nice little scrape on his lip and check.  Then, to end it off with a bang, Wesley chokes on a grape and Jason has to do the Heimlich maneuver on him.   All this (minus the Chase ER visit) happened pretty much with in a month or two.  I am a tired mama!!  :-)  Lets hope the next few months are nice and calm!

Since I already have pictures on my blog of both Chase and Wesley in the ER, I won't repost those, but what fun is a blog post without at least a few pictures? 

I forgot to mention above about Wesley's sun burns.  Since he is extremely fair skinned, he can get sunburned from a light bulb if we are not careful, lol.  I always apply lots of sunscreen, and try to make sure he wears a hat when in the sun, but it never fails - he always manages to get burned somewhere on his body!  The spot that I always seem to miss with the sun screen is under his eyes.  After a trip to the beach, he brought home a lovely burn that made him look like he was a super sickly kid with a bad case of the flu or something. 

 So, Wesley's rash started off looking like this:

 By the next day, it turned into this beauty.  I was itching all day just looking at him.  Poor guy. 

 And, Chase's cute little scrapped up face and lip.  It could have been a lot worse. 

1 comment:

aprilaleman said...

that's a terrible rash... poor kid.