Wednesday, July 31, 2013

13 weeks

I have my own Doppler that I received as a gift when I was pregnant with Chase.  It is a blessing and a curse!  I was able to find this baby's heart beat at 8 weeks 4 days, which is pretty early.  I dont' like to use it too much, but it is fun to use it real quick once a week or so to help me know the baby is doing well until I can feel him or her moving.  However, around 9 or 10 weeks, I couldn't find the heartbeat.  I knew it was still really early, and the baby was really small, but I was still worried.  After 4 days, I finally found it, and decided to put the doppler away for a little while.  Well, I have used it twice since then, and luckily have found the heart beat right away. Wesley was listening one day and said"That is the most beautiful sound I've ever heard!!"  Soo sweet!  Maybe he overheard me saying something like that when we were first listening to it, but it is so cute coming from a 4 year old!

I don't want to bore anyone with the same 'ol symptoms and sicknesses as last time.  I'm still at negative 5 pounds, so hopefully I will start gaining soon.  Yes, I'm still sick, however, I do think things might be slowly getting better.  Or, I have learned to handle it a little better.  I still have to take things slowly.  I was feeling great one day, and I overdid it by cleaning and taking some family member's pictures, and having guests over, and so on.  For the next 4 days I was really sick and tired, and paid the price.  I am trying to learn that even though there is a lot of stuff that needs to be done, and a lot of housework I need to catch up on, I need to take it day by day, little by little.  I am trying to redo our front garden.  Nothing major, but just weeding and planting new plants takes me a few days (or weeks) to complete.  A few weeks ago I pulled out all our dead wild flowers.  Then, I slowly started to weed, and finally got some plants to put in there.  Today I finished raking, and dug the holes, and that was about all I could do.  Soon the garden will look somewhat attractive again.  Little by little I try to remind myself.  I always want to get things done fast, but over the past few months I have become so slow at everything, I am learning to just take it easy.  No need to rush anything.  I think I am driving poor Jason crazy though being so slow at everything.

Some observations I have had over the past few weeks:

-it is really, really hard to play "play kitchen" or "pretend food" with the boys while having bad morning sickness.  Even plastic food makes me sick looking at it.

-Smells are so intense, and make me so sick.  However, only food smells bother me.  I went for a walk about a month ago with Chase, and a lot of people were barbequing.  That smell was making me so sick, and I was trying to walk as fast as I could with my shirt over my nose to get away from the smell before I threw up.  I got to the end of the street, closer to the dairies, and I then could smell the manure from the Dairy farms.  It was a welcomed smell compared to the BBQ's.  I had no issue with it at all!

-I'm greatful for Jason who has shown a lot of patience with me.  He goes to the grocery store, and makes lists for me of dinner ideas for the week so I don't have to think about it too much.  He cooks a lot, and entertains the boys, and even watches them on the weekends so I can take a nap, and much more.  He works hard, fixes up the house when needed, and I am very grateful for all he does for our family. 

-When I ever feel overwhelmed, or feel like complaining about this pregnancy sickness, I try really hard to remind myself how lucky I am that a baby is causing these ailments, and nothing more.  I have a good friend who has cancer, and is experiencing a lot of the same things as me.  Bad nausea, lack of energy, lowered immune system so we are both getting sick more, and so on.  We tease about it, but in all honestly - what I am experiencing is a huge blessing, and nothing less.  I don't know how long it will last, but it will go away as the pregnancy progresses (or when the baby is born for sure).  I get a great reward from it all, but my dear, sweet friend is fighting for her life.  It puts everything in a different perspective.

I normally don't do my hair all nice during the week, or put on a lot of makeup.  However, I really don't care too much about how I look right now (actually, I do, I just don't have enough energy to take the time to get all dolled up!), so these are the best pics I am getting for a while.  Sundays I usually look my best, but I also am so busy I often either forget to grab a picture, or I am just too worn out!  I have pictures of myself each month (almost) while pregnant with the boys, so I don't want to slack this time around.  When I lay down flat, there really is no bump, but when I stand up, everything is getting pushed out.  I think the baby is about the size of a peach now.  :-)  Cute little peach in there somewhere! 

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