Thursday, July 25, 2013


 I know I have a lot of these posts, but Wesley is constantly saying the silliest and cutest things.  I know I would never, ever remember most of this stuff if I didn't write it down. 

 --MY FAVORITE :-)  While eating lunch, I was trying to get Wesley to eat some of my subway sandwich.  He was a little hesitant, but he took some bites and really enthusiastically says, "You were Right!!  This is good!!!"  Then, a minute later says, "Mommy - I'm so glad I got the very best Mommy in the whole wide world."  There is nothing that can make a mama's heart melt more!! 

-Chase was playing on the piano, and Wesley says, "Mommy - the noise from Chase is disturbing me!!"

-At the pool the other day Wesley informed a lady who had a lip piercing that, "Earrings don't belong there.  They are supposed to go in your ears."

-While at the ER, Wesley was asking all sorts of questions like, "Do doctors have spirits?"  "What happens if we eat a spirit?"  "Are germs little hairy people?"  "Do germs have spirits?"  "What happens if we eat a germ?"  The ER staff was thoroughly entertained!!  ha ha ha

-Wesley patted the tummy of a lady in our ward who just had a baby a few weeks ago,  "Do you have a baby in your tummy, because it is hard!"  I felt so bad, but she seemed to take it pretty well.  Then he asked if her baby came out of an egg that was in her tummy.

-Wesley came up to me and said, "Mommy - I love all the pictures around the house you made.  I love the wood thing with all the words on it (a wooden, painted, and modge-podged plaque I made for the mantle).   They are all so beautiful, and I love them!!!"  That comment meant so much to me!  I have spent a lot of time trying to decorate our home, to make it pretty and inviting.  It was so sweet that Wesley noticed all the pictures and other things around our home, and I'm so glad he enjoys them!! 

-Wesley is quite the little character, and can be very dramatic.  We were walking from the car, into the doctor's office so I could pick up some medication.  It was hot, but the walk wasn't that long.  However, Wesley kept complaining, "Mommy!!  I need to sit down and rest!!  I am sooo tired!!! legs hurt, I need to relax and rest!!!!"  He continued to complain until I finally let him sit down in a chair while I stood in line.  Then, in his sweetest Wesley voice he loudly says for all to hear, "Mommy....I Love You!!!!!!"  Everyone in the pharmacy said, "AWWWWWWW!!!!" The pharmacist was in love with him, and went crazy over his hair, and complemented him on his behavior (good actor! ha ha ha).  He sure knows how to switch gears fast and pull on the heart strings!!

-We drove past a day care center one day, and I was explaining to Wesley what that was.  I was telling him that in some families both the Mommy and Daddy have to go to work, and we were talking about how grateful we were that Daddy has a good job so Mommy can stay home.  Wesley said, "Mommy - when I go to Kindergarten, I am going to miss you!!  Will you come with me?"   It is starting to hit home that I only have one more year with my sweet boy.  It is things like that that reinforces my gut feeling to not put him in preschool, but to enjoy the little time I have with him until he goes to school. 

-As crazy and as hyper as Wesley can get, he is sure one of the sweetest little guys I've ever met.  He loves to tell Jason or I how much he loves us, and we go back and forth trying to come up with creative comparisons.  One of his favorites is, "I love you higher than a bean-stock!!"  Another few cute ones he likes to say are: "I love you bigger than the universe"  "I love you hotter than fire and lava!"  "I love you fluffier than a fluffy bunny and a marshmallow!"

-While saying a prayer Wesley says, "...And please bless Chase to sleep so he won't wake up and bother me.."

-W: "Mommy - is a toilet a machine that hold pee and poop?"  After explaining about the toilet, and what happens when we flush he then asks, "Does the sewer clean all the poop and turn it back into food so we can eat it again?" 

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