Thursday, August 22, 2013

my "baby"

Everyone in the house calls Chase the baby.  Wesley loves to tell people all about "his baby" at home named Chase.  Jason and I even use "baby" instead of his name more often than not, and Chase will refer to himself as the baby.  I guess we are going to have to start working on that before the new baby comes.  However, I don't know what it is about sweet Chase that makes him so sweet and 'baby' like?  Is it just because he is my youngest, or is it because he is so quiet and doesn't talk a lot?  Maybe  it is because when he gets upset, he still has the cute little baby cry and not the fussy toddler whine (which he does too when he is in a fussy mood).  Maybe it is the pacifier, or his chubby little hands and legs.  What ever it is, I still see him as a little baby.  I know that will change when the new one comes, but for now he is baby Chase!  

He is a great napper, and takes 2- 3 hour naps every day without fuss, and will sometimes even climb into bed himself when ready.  He sleeps well at night, but wakes up every night  when he looses that darn pacifier, and I have to get up and find it behind his bed.  That is really wearing on me, especially since I have to get up to pee too.  I am trying to figure out how to stop this, so last night I got up at 4 am when he was crying, but didn't give him his pacifier.  He  amazingly stayed quiet, and I thought he went back to sleep.  However, at 5:45 he was up, and woke Wesley up, and they both were ready for the day.  I told them to go back to bed because it was too early!!!  I gave in and gave him back his paci so I could get more sleep.  I know this phase will pass, but I hope it is sooner rather than later. 

He  LOVES to run up to me with his cute smile, arms wide open saying, "MOMMYYYY!!!" in his chase accent, and he gives me the biggest hugs.  He is such a lover.  He is so sweet, and he just melts my heart. 

He also went from hating taking pictures, to now giving me these ridiculously huge and cheesy smiles, as seen in some of the pictures below.  Maybe when we start going back to Disneyland now that our passes aren't blocked for the summer, I might actually get some pics of him smiling!!  :-)  

One of my favorite recent pics of Chase

He is such a little man.  For being two, he sure can sit still for a while.  Here he is on 4th of July in the field enjoying dinner in his little chair, while Wesley ran around the field.  (I normally do not give my kids soda for dinner, but it was a holiday, so Jason treated them to it :-)  ). 

he loves playing ball with grandma, and is great at catching it. 

He loves watches, and wanted to hold mine for nap time, and fell asleep cuddling it

loves playdoh time

cheesy face

He finally enjoys using his car he got for Christmas. 

Paci, cuddle blanket, and leg blanket - all ready for bed! 

Some of his smiles are so exaggerated they are scary, lol.  I love that he tries so hard to smile for Mommy now though!  Big change from a few months ago. 

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