Tuesday, August 27, 2013

17 weeks

Are there twins in there?!  Ha ha ha, I know the chances are slim since the first ultrasound showed one baby, but seriously - I think I am huge for only 17 weeks.  I have heard of twins being missed in the first ultrasound, and I am kind of anxious for our main ultrasound in a few weeks to see if there is really just one baby in there!  Not that I mind or anything - I love looking pregnant and not just fat, but it is weird (and a little scary thinking what I will look like at full term) how much I suddenly popped out.  I think it does depend on what I am wearing - maternity clothing makes me look a lot bigger.  It is hard because a lot of my maternity clothing (more of the pants than the shirts), are still too big, but regular clothing is getting too tight.   However, I really do enjoy having a pregnant belly, and I enjoy wearing clothing that shows it off, rather than hides it. 

My morning sickness is pretty much gone.  I still have a few nights where I might not feel completely great, but I am soooooooo greatful that I am feeling much, much better.  Being sick all day, everyday really is super tiring, and kind of depressing.  I have no idea how my friend going through chemo does it, and stays so happy.  I almost forgot what feeling normal feels like.  I am still really tired, and I have to force myself to take the boys out some days.  I feel bad that we really haven't done too much the last few months, so I want to make sure to start taking them out more often.  Our Disneyland passes are good again, so I am going to start taking the boys when temperatures cool down a bit. 

I am getting overwhelmed as I look around our house, and I try to figure out where we are going to put the baby.  I know babies don't need a lot of stuff, or a lot of space.  I know the baby will be with me in my room for at least 6 month to a year, but I still want the baby to have his or her own little space.  I need a nice organized space for the clothing, accessories, diapers, and so on.  Our third bedroom has always been our office/craft room/junk room.  I have sooo much stuff in there, and I have no idea where to put it all.  A lot of it is my scrapbook supplies, which I have collected quite a bit over the years.  I am trying to give stuff away that I know I won't use, and maybe pack up the rest until I have time to use it again.  If the baby is a boy, we can put him in the boys room (it will be squishy, but back in the day 10 kids would share a room, so 3 isn't too bad).  I would like the baby to have its own space, but for some reason it really is driving me crazy trying to figure out the logistics.  I know it will all work out, and I know that since I am starting early, I will hopefully at least be able to clean out enough of a space in the 3rd bedroom to make a little corner for baby.  I was so confident, and I knew exactly what I was going to do when I was pregnant with Chase.  I had the boy's room all ready and decorated super early, and it was so nice having everything put together, waiting for baby to arrive.  I feel a lot more scatter brained this time, but I am trying to remind myself that I still have a while to go before I need to have anything set up and ready.

I have started feeling the baby move, and that is always a fun experience.  It is amazing how everything comes back so quickly, and everything feels so normal.  With the first pregnancy, everything is new and exciting, and scary.  This time, it just feels all very familiar, and almost like there was never a break from the last time I was pregnant.  It also feels like February is such a long ways away, and yet I know all too well how quickly it will come.  The idea of labor has me very nervous.  I have had two very different experiences, and I am hoping to have a nice experience again, but the unknown has me a bit anxious!

Wesley loves "hugging" the baby, and "kissing" the baby though my belly.  He is so sweet, and so excited to meet the baby.  He asks lots of questions about the baby, and how it got into my tummy, and I am trying my best to answer his questions, but he is getting smarter, and smarter and wants to know more and more! 

17 weeks
I feel like I look about as big as I was when I had Wesley!  I think it is just the dress - ya, that's it - its the dress! 

1 comment:

Laura said...

I can't believe MY baby is having her third baby! You look beautiful and I am so excited for you! If you need help cleaning out that other room, let me know and I will be happy to help you!
Love, Mom xoxoxo