Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Moro Bay part 1

My Mother in Law rented a beach house in Moro Bay for her birthday and invited us to join her, along with my sister in law and her three kids.  Moro Bay is a special place for Jason's family, and they used to travel there a lot growing up.  I, on the other hand, never even heard of the place until I married him and he took me there about a 6 months after we got married.  It is a nice, small little beach town famous for the big Moro Rock.  We left Friday evening after Jason got home from work.  It is a 4.5 hour drive without traffic, and we got there around 11 pm at night.  Chase and I didn't sleep so well the first night (Wesley on the other hand can sleep anywhere). However, we woke up nice and early (thanks to my two little alarm clocks that go off when the sun comes up). It is fun waking up the first morning while on vacation, thinking about all the adventures that await (even on a few hours of sleep). The house was very large, and the kids had a blast running all over it.  It was very pretty, and a fun place to stay for the weekend.  The beach was just a short walk away (which felt a lot longer carrying stuff down to the beach on the hot sand).  It was really pretty though, and there were not many people on that beach. The air smelled so clean and fresh, and the weather was nice and cool in the 70's.  A HUGE change from the 100 degree weather we were having back home!! It was so calm and peaceful.

On the first day, we drove to Moro Rock, took some pictures, and got to see a cute little sea otter in the harbor.  We then drove to the little sea side village and we walked around a sea shell store (Wesley's dream come true).  We then went on a "glass bottom" boat ride around the harbor, but the water was kind of cloudy, so you really couldn't see much.  However, it was fun being on top, and the kids even got to help feed the fish.  We then went back to the house, took naps, and then we all walked to the beach just to let the kids play in the sand for a little while before dinner.   We then went out to eat for my Mother in law's birthday at a cute little BBQ place, where they gave us all free cheese cake!  It was a fun first day, and the kids were all worn out and slept really well that night.  I am soooo glad my morning sickness is pretty much gone, so I was actually able to enjoy this vacation.  (Well, beside my ever expanding belly and my lack of energy making the walks back and forth from the beach a little harder than they normally would have been).  However, the kids had a blast, and we had a really fun time.  Since I have so many pics, I will post the rest of the trip on another post.

Cute cousins all awake too early :-) 

Ready for the first day of adventures!

Grandma and her grand-kids in front of Moro Rock

Wesley and Leah in front of the sea otter

A store full of nothing but shells.  Wesley didn't know where to start!!

Holding their bags of shells

We got really close to these sea lions while riding on the boat

feeding the fish to bring them up to the surface so we could see them from the bottom part of the ship

below deck where the "glass bottom" part of the boat was located

To get to the beach from the house you had to walk  through this pretty little path through the overgrowth of bushes which opened up to some little sand dunes and wildlife habitats.  You then had to walk a little further through the sand to get to the water. 

He just can't stay out of the water :-) 

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