Thursday, September 5, 2013

Moro Bay part 2

The next day everyone was kind of tired, and it took us a while to get up and ready for the day.  We wanted to let the kids play on the beach, so we took as much as we could by hand and walked down to the water.  Jennifer and I had to go back to the house to make lunch for everyone while Jason watched the kids.  After playing at the beach for 2 or 3 hours, we went back, got dressed, and drove downtown to get some salt water taffy.  We then drove to another beach to let the kids play in the tide pools.  Half the kids fell asleep, but we took the few that were awake down to the tide pools.  This particular beach was incredibly rocky, and instead of sand, the shore was covered in little rocks.  They were really smooth and pretty though.  Unfortunately, it was high tide, and the tide pools were mostly covered, so the boys didn't get to see much.  We enjoyed spending 20 min or so sitting on the rocks watching the waves wash over the pools.  Wesley had to go to the bathroom, but they were really far away, so I told him to just go over in the corner and pee in the rocks.  Well, that morning he had to go in the ocean because there were no bathrooms on the beach we were at.  He thought he could just let it come out like he did through his suit in the water. Well, this time he was wearing jean shorts and just let it all come out!!!  We made him go rinse off in the ocean (which he didn't mind because he loves playing in the water.) Oh the innocence of kids.  However, Owen, who was also fully dressed (including tennis shoes) wanted to play in the water too, so we had two very wet boys.  Chase was happy just throwing rocks in the water.  After that fun adventure, we drove back to the house, and Jennifer and Jason made a wonderful dinner for us all.  The kids were kind of crazy at dinner. Wesley wore himself out, and told me he wanted to go "rest" in bed.  I quickly gave him a bath because I knew he would fall asleep the moment he put his head on the pillow.  Sure enough, he fell asleep early and missed dessert (smores and ice cream).  After the kids were in bed, Jason and I showed Jennifer some goofy shows on you tube, and we had some good laughs.  :-)  We packed up, and the next morning we woke up early and went to a little local breakfast shop.  It was fun to go eat breakfast together, but it was a little pricy.  After leaving the beach house, we drove to Pismo Beach where you are allowed to drive your car on the sand.  We pulled up near the water, and changed Wesley into his bathing suit so he could have more beach fun.  Chase was cold and just wanted to hang out by the cars.  It was nice having the cars, and all the supplies right there within arms reach, and we didn't have to worry about walking to a parking lot.  Jason took Chase to the dunes to watch all the off road vehicles while Wesley played in the water.  After spending maybe 2 or so hours there, we headed home.  There was  a lot of traffic, so Jason took the back way  through all the curvy hills.  Wesley and I didn't feel so well on the drive home, but it sure was beautiful!!!  It was a nice vacation, and even though 5 small kids in the same house creates a lot of noise, a lot of tears, and requires a lot of patience, they all had so much fun, and it was very worth it.  Lots of fun memories!!  :-) 

Poor Chase got his finger smashed in the door right before leaving for the beach.  Daddy makes everything feel better.

Wesley trying to imitate the Tiki man at the seaside village

On the rocks near the tide pools 

Riding his bike on the beach.  He just wanted to play in the water though, so this only lasted a few minutes. 

Chase was happy sitting in the shade by the cars watching Wesley play in the cold water

Daddy helping Wesley sort his huge collection of shells at the beach near the beach house

My cute boys

Moro Rock
Wesley found a HUGE number of sand dollars on the beach.  We threw away a bunch that were broken, but a lot were still in really good condition.  Wesley likes to make designs on the floor with his collections as you can see.                                   Wesley + collections = one happy boy!!

1 comment:

aprilaleman said...

Those shells look like art work!