Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Our life in pictures

 Here are a bunch of random pictures I have taken on my phone over the past few months. 
There is nothing quite like a sweet sleeping baby cuddled next to you! 

I love that we have about 7 parks within walking distance of our home, and tons more within driving distance.  Some weeks I am better about walking to a park and letting the boys play for a while.  Now that it is getting hotter, I have been a slacker and I need to start doing that again!  
I can't get over how big my Bubba is getting.  He is turning into a little boy!  

Enjoying the shade of this cute, quiet little park

We found this huge birds nest that had fallen out of the tree after a night of strong winds on one of our morning walks. 

Sometimes if I am up to it, I will try to go on a walk right after waking up when it is still cool.  I will get dressed, but I let the kids go in their PJ's.  This day Chase didn't want to walk in the stroller, but he wanted to push his!! 

Wesley's piano teacher used to spend just a few minutes each week with Chase.  He used to LOVE his turn at the piano.  I thought we were going to have to start him on his own lessons.  Sadly though, he had recently been refusing to go sit with her.  I'm not quite sure why?

More park time - this time Wesley spend the time collecting rocks.

I love that one of the pools in our association has a small kid pool that is only about a foot deep.  The boys love it, and it is perfect size for them.  

Visit Grandma at work day!  :-) 

My cute Great-Grandma loves gardening, and she has built up an amazing garden in this small little backyard of hers.  It is so fun to see how much she has done with such a small space.  Her plants are her friends, and I really think they will keep her alive for a long time!  The boys had never been to her home before because it is smaller, and I didn't want them running around destroying everything.  However,  we have been wanting to go visit, and she has been wanting to show Wesley her garden.  She has a huge raspberry bush, and a smaller boysenberry bush that she wanted the boys to be able to pick from.  Wesley was having a bad stomach ache that day - probably the worst he has had, but he still really wanted to go and see Great-Grandma's house.  We had to bring a cup for the poor little guy because he was so nauseous.   The boys still had fun picking raspberries, and I am grateful for this long lasting memory they will hopeful cherish with their great-grandma!  :-) 

Another fun park day.  This time I went and picked up some Wendy's, and we had a nice relaxing picnic in the park. 

This was taken right after being discharged from the ER.  Wesley was still in great spirits, and didn't let a little staple in his head ruin his cheerful mood!  (If you missed it, you can read about the story in my last post). 

 Slip and Slide fun!  This was the first time this year we brought out the slip and slide, and it definitely won't be the last.  Even though the boys fought over turns and such, they both had a blast.  Chase is old enough to enjoy it (last year he just liked to play in the little water sprinklers), and Wesley is really good at sliding on it, even with his stapled head! 

Beach fun a few months back with Jason's family.  
Walking around the tide pools


aprilaleman said...

what tide pools?

April and Jason said...

They are at Little Corona Del Mar