Monday, March 4, 2013

Keeping Busy!

 I just downloaded all the pictures from my camera that I have taken over the last two months, and we have been pretty busy.  Jason bought a used iphone for me, and I have been enjoying using it as a camera when we are out.  I don't have to worry about bringing my other camera, because this one does a good enough job of taking quick pictures.  For some reason, some of the pictures are showing up as a little blurry on this blog, so sorry about that.

I have also been planning Wesley's 4th Birthday party, and that has been consuming a lot of my time. I am so excited for it, but as with most parties I throw, it is making me a little stressed!  I started getting everything ready nice and early, so that has helped a lot. It will be really fun though, and Wesley is super excited for his "Bug Party."

Here are some of the things we have been up to over the last month or so:

Making lots of messes! 
Still attached to blankie and pacifier! 

This gorgeous California weather is perfect for picnics in the backyard!

I took a quick trip with my siser in law 6 hours north to visit her ex husband's dying grandma.  She didn't want to go alone, so I took Chase with me, and Jason took Wesley on a father/son trip.  Here is Chase and his two cousins in the hotel on the bell hop ( I think that is what it is called?)

Jason took Wesley to the Salton Sea to visit his Dad, and they got to do some off roading. 

We have a cute little lake in the middle of our community.  It is gated, and there is a nice shaddy sidewalk the goes alongside the lake.  I love taking the boys on walks around the lake, and I am always perplexed that more people don't take advantage of this cute nature walk.  I am usually alone, which is nice and peaceful, but it is a little sad that more people don't like to get out and enjoy nature! My boys  just have socks on in some of these pictures because they were in a stroller, and I didn't bother to put shoes on them.   

 We took some bread on one of our walks, and they enjoyed feeding the ducks. 

We helped plant trees at an Eagle Scout project a few weeks ago.  Wesley was sooo excited to go help.  We even bought him his own little shovel.  When we got there, we had to make huge dirt piles on the parking lot with the excess dirt, and the boys had a blast jumping in the dirt, and making a mess.  We were all exhausted, and after baths, everyone crashed.  I came out of my room (after trying to take a nap myself), to find this: 

After Chase woke up, Wesley and Jason went back to sleep, and I was able to snap this beauty:  :-) 

We also found a darling pirate park near our home
We found a huge pile of leaves on one of our morning walks.  The boys were just getting over flu, and this was the first time we went out, and they had a blast! 

More fun at the park!
 Here are some more cute lake pictures.  If I had known these ones were going to come out so cute, I would have dressed them up nice, and brought my nice camera with me to attempt to take some more professional pictures.  It is hard to get them both smiling and so happy, but I guess the lake had magical properties!

 A long time ago, I had promised Wesley that when he was potty trained I would take him to build a bear.  Well, he has been potty trained for a while, and he had forgotten about going.  However, we were at the mall one day, and we walked past Build - a -Bear.  I had to hold true to my promise, so I took him.  He loved it, and he sleeps with his bear, "Furry" every night. 

 Chase loves necklaces, so Jason found a cheep lot of "man necklaces" on e-bay, and the boys have had fun wearing them.  

The boys love spending time with Great Grandma

Making more messes (bringing weeds and grass into the house)

My sweet sleeping Bubba holding his blankie
 On the first Friday of the month, a little local museum has some free activities for kids.  They get to play in the museum for about 30 min, and then the kids go outside to see a special show or presentation.  On this particular day, they had an "animal lady" come and show off special animals.  One of the animals was a crocodile, and the boys even go to pet him!  It was a really fun experience! 

They even got free snacks at the end!
 We like going to the swap meet on Saturday morning (we go maybe once every few months).  Wesley's favorite part is collecting all his "treasures"  We went last saturday, and he collected  all sorts of pieces of metal, trash, and other debris.  He was trying to carry it all in his little hands, and kept begging for a container.  I found an old bag in my purse that I gave him to put all his special treasures in.  I love that an old wrapper full of one man's trash can make this little boy so happy! 

Even an almost 4 year old is not too old to fall asleep on Mommy! 

 On Saturday mornings we like to visit a local farm called Amy's Farm.  They have a produce stand where they sell all the produce they harvested from their farm that week.  They also have a lot of animals that guests can walk right up to and pet.  It is so much fun, and they boys love seeing all the cute animals (I do too!). 

Wesley and the cute cow. 

Cute little miniature horse
Wesley was able to feed the horse some hay. 

Just Chase's size! 

Brushing the horse


aprilaleman said...

What museum is this and is it every Sat. I would love to go to that. And, what swapmeet do you go to? You are such a good, sweet mom April. I love your blog and your boys. You guys just melt my heart.

Rachel said...

Your boys are so adorable and you and Jason are still the cutest couple! I just love you guys! Such fun pics!