Tuesday, March 19, 2013


--I went to the bathroom, and right after Wesley had to go.  He has a little seat that is built right into our seat, and just folds down out of the lid.  W: "Mommy...can you please wipe the seat?  It has your germs on it.  Thanks.  Mommy..can you please not bug me in the bathroom now?"  He then proceeds to kick me out and close the door. 

--Jason took Wesley on a little father/son trip over the weekend and when he came home he said, "Mommy!!  I missed you so much!  I want to live with you!! I want to keep you!!  I don't want any bad guys to get you!!"

--We were watching tv, and a cute little baby came on.  In a super high pitched voice Wesley said, "Awwwwwww!!  Look at the cute little baby!!"  He then looks at me and says, "Mommy - I wish we had a cute little baby.  We have a big Baby (Chase), but I wish we had a little baby!"

--Wesley has been a super sweet big brother to Chase recently.  He calls him his Baby (which is funny considering they are only maybe 5 lbs apart).  To Wesley though, Chase is his baby.  One day Chase was trying to get something off the counter, and Wesley said, "I think Chase wants this food" so, he gets it for Chase, proceeds to take Chase's pacifier out for him, and when Chase was done eating, he got his pacifier off the counter, and put it back in his mouth.  Another time Wesley collected a bunch of his change, and told me that he wanted to take it to the dollar store so he could buy Chase a toy to cuddle with at night.  That seriously melted my heart.  That same day, I was putting Chase to bed, and Wesley said, "Mommy - you can't put Chase to bed until I give him a kiss!"  Even though they fight a lot, I love knowing how much they adore each other and just truly love each other.  While Wesley was gone on his weekend trip with Daddy, one morning after Chase woke up and we were sitting in the living room, Chase kept looking down the hall at his room.  He kept poining towards their room and would moan and whine which is how he communicates that he wants something.  I asked, "Do you want Wesley?"  And Chase signed please and said "Gaaa!!!"  Which means that is exactly what he wants.  He missed his brother.  Each morning I am woken up to giggles and loud squeals on the monitor.  They wake each other up, and just laugh and scream (happy screams), until I come in and get Chase out of his crib.  Wesley used to climb into the crib with Chase, but I asked Wesley to not do that any more (as cute as it is), because I know someone will get hurt.  I love that they are so close, and I hope it stays that way throughout their life. 

--Wesley is very, very logical.  Chase likes to use his imagination, and pretend to cook on our kitchen.  Wesley knows the food is fake, and would rather smash the food, or play with it in water to see if it floats, and so on.  He is constantly asking questions, "What is electricity?"  "How can it hurt me?"  "What is a root?" "Where do babies come out of?"  And so on.  He also is very logical when it comes to solving problems.  I was complaining about an article of clothing that was bothering me because it was too tight.  Wesley had a very simple solution.  "Mommy - you should take it off!!  It will make you feel better, just take it off!"

--I went to a church relief society activity one evening after Jason came home from work, and was gone for maybe 2 hours.  As soon as I walked through the door, my sweet little Wesley comes running up to me as fast as his little legs could carry him.  He gave me a giant hug and said, "Mommy - I've been waiting ALL day for you!!! I missed you SOO much!! Do you want to watch a movie with me Mommy?!"  I stood there for a second so I could say hi to Jason, and Wesley says, "Mommy!!!  Come on!!  Don't stand there forever!"

--I was laying on the couch with Wesley one afternoon to see if I could get him to take a nap.  Wesley lovingly looks over at me and with a big smile says, "Mommy,  you know what?  I love you"  "I like you the way you are.  I am so glad when you go to scary places, the bad guys don't get you, because if bad guys got you, I would be soooo sad!  I am glad you are mine"  That was probably one of the sweetest things ever said to me!!  :-)  I love that a three year old can feel so much love!  So sweet.

--We were having brownies for dessert one night and he had already had two or three pieces.  He asked for more and I told him he already had a lot.  He looked at me and said, "Mommy.  100 is a lot.  33 is a lot.  3 is not a lot, ok?!"  Seriously - how old is this kid?  16?!  ha ha ha

--One night after I had put the boys to bed, about 10 minutes later I snuck in to put some dirty clothes in their hamper.   Wesley was still awake, and said, "Oh good.  Now I can tell you what I wanted to tell you.  Mommy...I want to keep you forever!" 

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