Wednesday, March 27, 2013

My big four year old

Wesley has been looking forward to his birthday for a while.  He loves Birthdays.  He loves singing to people and watching them open gifts.  He loves helping people blow out their candles.  When he found out his very own birthday was coming, he could hardly wait.  He was so excited to be four, and was even more excited for his Bug party and Jumper.   His party was three days after his birthday, so his actual birthday was pretty low key. On his actual Birthday I had a bunch of balloons on the floor of the living room.  He loves balloons, and that is one of the most exciting parts of his Birthday for him.  We gave him a few little gifts, but his main gift was the party and the jumper (which I will post about in a later post).  One of his favorite gifts was a little box of plastic diamonds that I bought at the dollar store for Chase to give to Wesley for his Birthday.  Wesley was beyond excited and kept saying how beautiful they were, and that he was so lucky, and that he loved Birthday's because he got balloons and treasures.  It was so cute to see how grateful he was to get balloons and a few plastic diamonds.  (He got other things, but he was just so grateful). He was happy, and that was all he needed.  It was so sweet and cute.   For lunch we got some burritos from Miguels just as he wanted, and for dinner we had pizza as he wanted.  My parents, grandma, and bro/sis-in law, came over that night to give him their gifts and to eat chocolate chip muffins.  He is so cute when opening gifts. He studies each one, and forgets about all the other gifts.  It takes a while to open all of them because he takes so long, lol.  He is just happy with each one, and never cries for more.  I can only hope that trend continues as he gets older!!  :-)  When ever we are in the store he proudly tells anyone walking by that he is four!!  He says, "I am four today!  It is not my birthday, or my bug party today, but I am four!!"  I love his excitement! 

Each night I ask Wesley how I got soo lucky to get the two best boys in the whole world as my sons.  I really mean it.  The love, and pure sweetness that radiates from his little being melts my heart.  He is my little friend, and I often have to remind myself that he is only four.  He keeps me company, tells me stories, and introduces me to life in a way I've never noticed it.  Life is all around as, and we each see it so differently.  I love seeing the world through his point of view, and I feel so blessed that he choose me to be his mom , and that I get to spend this precious time on earth with him.  Each of his birthday's are a celebration of life, and a remembrance of how hard he fought that first month of life to be here with us now.  Happy Birthday sweet boy!  You make the world a better place, and you being so much happiness into our home!!  

I had been spending hours and hours each day working on all the details of his party. I was so tired, and I didn't do much on his Birthday.  I felt a little bad because on his birthday he had two gifts in the morning - one from Chase and one from Mommy and Daddy which had a few small things in it.  He didn't care though, and thought it was the best day ever. 

so excited for his diamond treasures! 

Giving Chase a big hug to thank him for his gift.  Chase is very excited obviously. 

Cute safari vest so he can explore and have a place to put all his "treasures!" 

Wesley loves Avengers, and he picked this shirt out himself at the store :-)

opps - I forgot to do his hair before taking pictures :-) 

Jason stayed up really late each night for over a week putting together this swing-set for the boys.  We got it for a really good deal on craigslist, and Jason worked so hard getting this set up in time for his party. I helped re-paint it, and it looks almost as good as new!  :-) 

our sand box fits perfectly under the fort! 

Wesley loves picking flowers for me, and often asks me to put them in a cup with water.  I love when he comes running in the house with dirty little hands full of flowers with his sweet little grin as he says, "these flowers are for you, Mommy!!"  These may look like weeds to some people, but to me they are a symbol of pure love!!  :-)

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