Friday, November 16, 2012

I am so greatful....

I have been thinking a lot about my life, and how very grateful and blessed I am for it.  At no other time in my life will it be the same.  I have two sweet little boys whom I get to spend all day with...teaching, loving, playing, and guiding.  In two years, Wesley will be in school and I will be busy driving, going to meetings, attending school field trips and assemblies, helping with homework, and not having the same freedoms as I have now.  It will be fun, and I am excited for him to start school, but for right now... for the next two years, I will try to make the most out of this treasured time.  It will be the last time of my life that I will have all my kids home, and we have the freedom to explore the world as we please.  I often take it for granted.  Except for the days with Piano lessons, doctor appointments, or other obligations, we are not rushed to get dressed.  Wesley can enjoy sesame street while eating his breakfast and drinking his milk.  I can cuddle with Chase, and go for a morning walk with the boys.  It is a wonderful time!  Hopefully, we will have another baby before Wesley starts school. That would be a blessing, but after having a baby, it always takes a good few months for things to feel "normal" again.  Three will be harder than two, and there will be new challenges to face.  No, we are not currently trying for another baby yet.  I do want another one, but I am just enjoying having my two little guys around, and am enjoying them while it is just the two of them.  I think too often we long for things we don't have and often we neglect all the wonderful things we do have!  I feel so very blessed right now.  For the last few Autumns, I have either been pregnant with really bad morning sickness, had a small baby, or a nursing baby.  This was the first Fall season that I have felt great, had energy, and had two sweet little boys to share all the excitement with!  Wesley is old enough to get excited about things!  He asks questions, and understand what I tell him.  Holidays with kids is sooo much more fun.  However, Holidays with a kid who understands what is going on is A LOT more fun! Chase is still little, and even though he is still my baby...Jason points out that he is a little boy now.  He is easy to take places now...he plays with Wesley and they have fun together...he can communicate better (still not really talking, but uses signs and noises)....And, he is just so cute.  They are really fun right now, and I just want to count my blessings, and appreciate this time with them, because it will never be the same as this moment ever again.  I am not saying it won't get better...I think with every year, it will get better!  However, this is a special time, and I want to stop and live the moment, and love every minute.  I am so grateful for a wonderful husband who works so hard to allow me to stay at home with our kids, and is so supportive.  I couldn't do it without him!!

One of the camera's I use often at home is an OLD digital camera I have had since before I was married.  This camera is probably 9 years old.  I have my nice professional camera, and a new point and shoot camera which both get used regularly.  However, I like having this older camera just sit on my counter and I like to grab it for cute, random moments at home that I want to quickly capture while other camera's are often out of reach.  It doesn't take great quality pictures (it is only 4 mega pixels), but it gets the job done, and I am not worried about the kids playing with it, or getting it dirty.  Most of these are quick, random picture I took at that I know I will enjoy seeing in 10, 20, and even 50 years! 

Diapers, beads, a paci, and a broom...what more could an 18 month old ask for?!  :-) 

I have been trying new these whole wheat pancakes with homemade berry syrup

Chase loved them!

At night before I put Wesley to bed, I help him brush his teeth.   We also like to cuddle up and make silly faces in the mirror.  One night I decided to grab the camera and see if I could take a few pictures.  The lighting is bad, I have no make-up, my hair is all crazy, and the position makes me look 5 months pregnant.  However,  I love them, because it is moments like this that I treasure!

These two have my heart!

 One night after a bath, Chase just wanted to snuggle.  I decided to take a few minutes to just cuddle my clean little Bubba.  Life is too short to pass up an opportunity to give my baby some love! 

Wesley enjoying some homemade strawberry sherbet

Homemade Popsicles from the left over ice-cream!

I am glad I can stay home so Wesley and I can craft when Chase is taking a nap

Sticker pox! 

I am grateful I can stay at home with this sweet face

 Chase is one of the cuddliest toddler's I have even known.   It took me a while to get used to such a snugly little guy, but I LOVE it.  I don't know what I will do if my next one doesn't like to be held.  This is his favorite spot... cuddled on Mommy's shoulder.  This is where he goes if he is tired, sad, doesn't feel good, or just wants a little snuggle time. 


aprilaleman said...

what a nice post, and you look beautiful in that last photo.

Chelsea said...

I'm so glad that you took these pictures - there are so many gems! What cute kiddos! I'm so glad that life feels blissful right now(: