Sunday, December 2, 2012

My Thanksgiving cuties

We had Thanksgiving at our house for the third year in a row.  We usually do it potluck style, so everyone who comes brings a little something.  That takes a lot of the stress off, however, I am still usually running around all day cleaning this and that, getting all the tables decorated, and getting our food ready (Jason cooks the turkey and does the potatoes, and I usually do a desert and side dish).  Jason is always so calm, while I usually get myself stressed over silly things.  "Will the turkey be done in time?!"  "Will the house be clean enough?!"  "Do I have enough fun activities to keep all the kids entertained?!"  "Will everyone have a good time?!"  Then, after all the needless worrying, everything always turns out just fine!  The important parts of Thanksgiving often get overlooked in all the Holiday rush.  I have many, many things to be grateful for!  The next Saturday we set up the Christmas tree and all the decorations.  I always enjoyed setting up the tree growing was one of my favorite memories as a kid.  Wesley, however, did not have quite as much fun as I imagined he would.  He is a perfectionist in certain areas, and when Chase would pull off an ornament that he had just carefully placed on the tree, all sorts of crazy were unleashed.  He was having such a hard time with Chase touching all the ornaments, that I ended up putting him to bed (he was overly tired too).  I finished up the tree, and  now I just need to wrap up all my gifts, and we are all set!  :-)

Carmel apple cake pops I made

Chase in awe of the fireplace.  It was the first time we used it in over 3 years! 

Activity at the Kid's table

The "grown-up" tables

Wesley helped me make a few cute Thanksgiving decorations

Before everyone came over, I took my two cuties outside to attempt to get some pics of them. 

I ALWAYS have a handful of silly ones in my batch from Wesley.  He still looks adorable, even with a silly face! 

Chase just wanted to peak at Daisy

This one makes me laugh so hard.  This is what I get when I ask Wesley to hug his brother. 

What a miniature little man! 

Chase is opposite of Wesley.  I get so many silly ones with Wesley, but a lot of serious ones with Chase!

I sang "If you are Happy and you Know It"  and I finally got some smiles out of my little man.  

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