Sunday, November 11, 2012

more Wesley-ism's

 I know someday I will be grateful to have all these little saying and moments from Wesley.  Hopefully other people enjoy them, but if not, just to warn you...there will be a lot more of these kind of pages full of Wesley-isms, lol 

-We were watching Sid the science kid, and I asked Wesley if he was "Wesley the Science kid?"  He said, "No, I am just a kid.  Maybe when I get older, but I am not ripe yet, I am still just a kid!"

-while on a walk Wesley asks, "Mommy, do bad guy come out of those holes in the sidewalk?" (he was referring to the storm drains).  I told him, "no, but when it rains, all the water goes in those holes, and they travel down pipes and the water goes in the ocean."  W: "So, if we crawl in them, we can go to the beach?!"

-Wesley brought me an older hot wheel car that used to be my Dad's, and was explaining it to me.  "Mommy...this is an old car, huh?  My grand-kids used to play with it.  They are 15.  His name is Owen (his cousin)."  

-Quite a few times he has asked me about marriage, and he has informed me that he is going to marry Great-Grandma.  We were outside and he picked a flower and told me, "When I marry great-grandma, I am going to give her this flower!"  Or, he was looking at my wedding ring and I was explaining it to him, and he told me, "I am going to give great-grandma a ring when I get married!"  I'm pretty sure my 80 plus year old grandma is flattered!  :-) 

- Wesley had his head on my shoulder, and I put my head on his head.  W: "Mommy...what are you doing?  I am not a pillow!  See..I have bones and blood and I am a person, not a pillow! 

-Wesley has a little ride on/push toy airplane that has a seat which folds up and has a compartment under it.  Wesley pushed the toy into the room I was sitting in, and the little compartment under the seat was full of toys.  Wesley said, "I am going to go and sell all these toys.  I am going to go outside, and I will go to everyone's car and I will sell these toys for fifty thousand dollars. I will drive in a car with Mommy, Daddy and Chase, and then we will drive to houses to sell the toys.  A nice lady will buy these toys.  I will give them to little boys and little girls without any toys."  He started to walk away, and then came back and peeked into the room.  "Mommy, what does sell mean?"

-Wesley stood on the bathroom scale and asked, "look Mommy, how much do I cost?"

-I was explaining to Wesley about tithing and what it is used for.  He gather up all his penny's from his collection that he has been gathering for a while, and handed them to me and told me he wants to give the money to the bishop to help build churches and temples, and to help give people food that don't have any.  It was a really sweet moment! 

-Wesley is a great complement-er.  I came home from a church craft activity, and he saw the craft I made and said, "Wow Mommy, that looks so nice!"  Some mornings after I do my hair (or even if my hair looks like a mop), he will smile and say, "I love your hair" or "Your hair looks so pretty!" 

-A lady in Target came up to us and said, "I just love little boys with red hair.  They are just the most handsome!!"  Wesley looked at her and then touched his head, "I have red hair!!!"  She said, "Yes, and you are very handsome!"  Wesley then matter-of-factually states, "Yaaa!" 

-This one might me TMI for some of you, but it will be funny for Wesley to read when he is older, so I am going to include it on my blog. :-)  Wesley has struggled with potty training for a long time.  It was really frustrating, but there is a big light at the end of the tunnel!  He is doing great, and has been in underwear (except for nights) for five days.  It is a HUGE deal considering all I have gone through to get him here!!  Well, one day he told me he had to go, and so I helped him sit down, and I closed the door.  He was in there a few minutes and all of the sudden I hear, "OHHHHH MANNNN!!!"  Terrified of what I was going to find, I run in the bathroom expecting to see a huge mess all over.  I walk in, and he looks at me and then back at the toilet and again says, "Ohhhhhh Mannnnnnn!!!!"  Inside his toilet was one of the biggest poos I've ever seen.  How it came out of my skinny bones Jones, I have no idea.  His eyes were so wide, and he kept saying, "That poop is soo big!!"  We were both laughing, and it was just funny to see how surprised and amazed that he made that, ha ha ha

-I love that Wesley hears people use sayings or words and will try to use them in his sentences.  I was in the office with the door closed, and Wesley had been looking for me.  W:  "Mommy, where have you been first of all??!! I tried to open the door, but there was a new twirly knob on it!!"  (I put a child lock on the knob because the kids kept opening the door when I wasn't around and would mess with the computer).  Another saying he likes to use a lot is, "That is not fair!!!"  or "that is not an option!"

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