Monday, November 5, 2012

This is Halloween!!

I love Halloween.  A few days before, Wesley and I made cupcakes from scratch and handed them out to some family and friends.  He had a blast helping me.  On Halloween, we played Halloween music all day at home, carved our pumpkin, and enjoyed getting ready for trick or treating in the evening.  My Mom, Dad, Grandma, Brother, his wife, Jason's sister Jennifer, and her three kids all wanted to come trick or treating with us.   It was a big group.  We went to a little street by our home that I came across on during one of my morning walks.  It was decorated really cute during the day, so I imagined it would look awesome at night.  It was really fun...a lot of the homes were all decked out..but not too spooky to scare all the kids.  We also brought along a little speaker and played Halloween music while trick or treating.  Wesley had a hard time seeing out of his costume, and was really slow.  He is always slower though, because he loves to stop and "smell the roses" so to speak.  He had to stop and look at all the decorations and take in the surroundings.  We pushed Chase is his car, and he would get out at each house, get candy, and come back to sit in his car.  He was so cute waddling up to each house.  To me, trick or treating is more about the experience than the candy.  After, we went and visited with Jason's grandma so she could see all the kids in costume.   It was a fun night.

Helping to add ingredients

frosting his cupcake

We also went to a pumpkin patch on the campus of a nearby college, Cal Poly.  I have always wanted to go in a corn maze, so I was excited to see they had one.  The kids enjoyed running around in it, and running through the corn.  

Yes, Leah is eating the corn, lol

the two babies

I want this one!!

We spotted The Great Pumpkin!!! 

My cute pumpkins  
Wesley told everyone months before Halloween that he was going to be a rocket!! 

I loved his tail!  It would wiggle as he walked! 

trick or treating in style!!  He wouldn't let go of his bucket! 

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