Monday, October 29, 2012

Oak Glen

 Oak Glen is a fun fall tradition.  Full of apple orchards, fun activities, and gorgeous scenery, it is the perfect place to spend time with family.  We went with my parents and grandma, and also Jason's mom, sister, and her three kids.  Unfortunately, it was extremely crowded.  The last few years we have been up there it has been really pleasant.  This year it was hot, and everyone else seemed to have the same idea we go to Oak Glen!!  However, we still had an enjoyable time.  We walked around the main little village and then headed up to Snow Line where they have many different kids of apples to taste, and apple cider to try.  They also are known for their fresh mini donuts, and raspberry picking.  I guess it is the end of the season for raspberries, and we were told that we could pick some for free if we could find any left.  I dont think anyone else knew, because we were the only ones picking any berries.  Jason was really excited to go pick some, but I was hesitant.  It was really muddy in their raspberry bush "field" and I was worried the kids were going to make a huge mess.  However, it ended up being the highlight of the trip.  The kids absolutely LOVED going through the rows and rows of bushes"hunting" for the red sweet berries, and getting to pick them and eat them right there!  We found a lot of berries, and I had a good sized bag full of them by the time we were done.  After eating donuts and picking berries, we ate dinner at the cute local restaurant called Apple Annies, and we ordered a mile high apple pie to go!!  It was a wonderful fall day!! 

It is so hard to get both my boys to smile for me.  I'm telling ya...It drives me crazy!!  :-)  

 Wesley loves collecting things, and had been collecting pieces of hard corn that was all over the ground.  We came across a deer that you could buy food for to feed.  Well, thanks to Wesley's collection, we didn't have to buy any!  :-)  She wasn't too interested in his collection though.  She smelled his hand, and then went on with her day. 

Jason trying to hold Chase and pick raspberries at the same time

 Wesley tends to get a little (ok, a lot) hyper when he is with his cousins.  He was running around the little picnic area like a crazy person :-)  I just wanted to take a quick, nice picture of him and Chase.  I tried to set him down, but to Wesley, stopping to take a picture is torture.  Here is the best picture I got, lol 

Wesley didn't smile, and Chase wouldn't let me take his pacifier out, but I think this picture turned out pretty well considering what an ordeal it was to get the boys to sit still long enough to take it!  :-)  

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