Thursday, August 1, 2019

Zion/grand Canyon part 2

 One of the reasons we stayed in Zion is due to its close proximity to so many other National Parks. One National Park that I had never been to was the Grand Canyon.  The north rim was about three hours away, so we decided to make a day trip out of it.  I was so excited to finally cross this off my bucket list.  However, in all honesty, I had a hard time enjoying the beauty because I was so paranoid about my boys getting too close to the edge.  My boys are ALWAYS on the move. Blake would stick his hand under the fence, Chase would slip near the edge, or Wesley would climb on the fence to get a better look and nearly give me a heart attack.  The Grand Canyon was beautiful but I might need to go back when the boys are older so I can enjoy it a bit more.

On our way into the park we found this beautiful shady picnic site where we ate our lunch while overlooking the Grand Canyon.  I LOVE eating meals outside - especially in areas with amazing scenery!

More Zion adventures -

We found a piece of Native American pottery and placed it back when we were done looking at it.  Keep nothing but memories!  Take nothing but pictures! 

One of my favorite hikes at the park was Dripping Rock.  However, Blake had to pee literally every 15 minutes on this trip.  We would take him to the bathroom, start on a hike, and he would need to pee again.  ALL day, every day.  I have never seen anyone pee so much in my life.  Unfortunately, this meant many hikes and other adventures were cut short because we had to find him a bathroom.  I'm all about peeing in nature if needed, but at national parks where there are always people around, that was not usually an option.  Jason didn't get to enjoy this hike because as soon as we made it to the top, you guessed it - Mr. Pee pee pants had to go again! :-)

Boys playing in the stream 

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