Monday, August 5, 2019

Zion/Cedar Breaks part 3

 Our last adventure took us to Cedar Breaks National Monument and surrounding areas.  Due to the large snow pack Utah received last Winter, all trails were still closed at Cedar Breaks due to snow and mud, and the temperatures were in the 40's.  The little visitor center was staffed by a couple park rangers who not only provided information, but also had to keep their cast iron stove burning to warm the place. We didn't stay long due to the low temperatures, but the boy's earned their Jr. Ranger Badges and was got our passport stamps.  We also explored nearby towns, and found some beautiful streams full of happiness and joy.  As usual, Blake had to go pee every ten minutes so we had to stop and find restrooms more than explore.  We also hiked the Navajo waterfall trail which took us to the head of the Virgin River (the river that carved out Zion national park).

Snow in June! 

The start of the Virgin River flowing through a lava tube! 

Duck Creek - a beautiful land of happiness and joy

Enjoying the pool one last time before heading home!  

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