Do you know that achey feeling deep inside your soul that you get after being cooped up too long? That intense yearning to partake in the goodness of nature? When my heart becomes dark and sad, my entire being has these strong, overwhelming urges to find the nearest patch of nature and soak up its dopamine inducing powers. Around Easter we decided it was time to get our camper out for the season and we headed down to Yuba Lake. My anxiety, as usual, was going a little crazy. Rain was in the forecast (no surprise there) and my mind kept thinking, "What if our trip is ruined?" "What if it rains the entire time?" "What if the wind is so crazy we can't eat outside?" "What if we spend all this time getting ready for this trip, and we have to spend our entire weekend inside the camper?" "What if the lake is really low and we can't play in the water?!" To my mind I say - calm down!! Things are never as bad as our mind imagines they will be. Even though it was a bit chilly and it rained the last day, we had a GREAT time. We were able to use our new kayak for the first time, and it was amazing. We had the lake almost to ourselves and it was glorious. We also were able to play on the beach, go fishing, go bike riding, explore a local wild flower boom, go on a short hike, and enjoy a gorgeous view. Our campsite had a beautiful, relaxing view of the lake. It was cold, so we didn't get to eat outside as often as I would have liked, but that is why we have a camper to use when the weather isn't ideal. Since we were there near Easter, I decided to do an Easter egg hunt for the boys. This was probably the most scenic easter egg hunt I've ever participated in! I brought up all our prizes and we had an epic hunt! Our tradition is to hide six golden eggs with numbered pieces of paper inside along with the regular eggs. Each boy can only find two special eggs, and they get to pick out their prizes in the order of their numbered papers. This trip was happiness for my soul and was exactly what I needed! Even the boys who often find things to complain about on our camping trips had a really good time. The all told me how much fun they had and that is a HUGE win in my book!
I was blown away when I first saw our camping spot!
Our own little nook of paradise
It doesn't compare to the ocean, but I'll take it
Even though it got really cold - we could hide out in our camper and still enjoy the views!
The sunset was amazing
Jason took the older boys to go fishing early in the morning. It was really windy and cold, so Blake and I stayed inside and watched a movie.
Once it warmed up we decided to go on a little adventure to explore the area. We found a gorgeous field of purple wild flowers. I just want to apologize now - we should not have stepped off the path to take these pictures. Stepping off the path can compress soil and kill vegetation. I was not thinking, and my nature deprived winter brain was so excited to see this site that I happily pranced into the wilderness. Don't follow my lead lol
The weather in Utah changes sooo fast. We found a sandy beach and Wesley was so excited to play in it. The storm clouds were rolling in, but Wesley is my kid that will play in any water no matter how cold and windy it might be!
Easter egg hunt!
Chase picked out the lego set (no surprise - I usually include a lego set in the prizes for him). He spent most of the day building his set.
ON the last day I found a simple hiking trail to take the boys on while Jason packed up the camper. The boys found some fish bones and were in heaven.
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