Thursday, May 16, 2019

Hello Spring...

Oh Utah and your glorious, ridiculously crazy weather.  Yes, yes- we have had a few days in the 70's and even a day or two in the low 80's.  However, the long cold winter has turned into a very rainy and cold spring.  Luckily, all the water has created some nice green lawns and hills.  It also means our mountains are still buried in so much snow that our mountain roads and campsites remain closed for an unforeseen amount of time.  It is possible that some of our mountains, particularly the Unitas, might only see a very short summer this year.  I'm going to write a post later on about how much Utah's weather hates me, but as for now - I'm just going to post happy pictures of our life.  We are still busy no matter the weather! Here is a glimpse at our little life over the past couple months.

We have been busy:

--Taking Sunday selfies :-)

---making funny faces out of left over food

---going to dance class

---Enjoying weekly preschool themes

---Enjoying free food and entertainment for being a local influencer

---playing with old friends in indoor pools (We sure miss Addie!!)

---Getting free donuts for good grades

---Climbing new heights!!  (Wesley conquered his fears and went on the high climber at Thanksgiving point)

---Pretending to fly an airplane

---Helping out at Blake's preschool.  Wesley had to do a service project, and he choose to volunteer at Blake's school.  He did awesome!!

---Enjoying nature whenever its not raining!

---Going on scouting adventures

---Cutting lots of hair!

---Watching preschool performances!  ( I LOVE these sweet shows!)

--Watching military demonstrations

---Cuddling with the two nuggets

---Getting a professional essential oil consultation

---Chaperoning more field trips!  This time it was to the natural history museum

---Visiting world famous school art fairs

---Completing more service projects!

---Enjoying our beautiful lilac bushes

---Playing in Spring snow

---Watching a county parade float presented by some amazing 4th graders

---Enjoying every bit of good weather I can soak up!!!

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