Monday, May 13, 2019

I have a ten year old!

 Oh Wesley - what a unique ball of energy you are!!  You are intelligent, ridiculously funny,  and very animated. You read for HOURS upon HOURS every day.  You can finish a chapter book with lightning speed.  I love your appetite for knowledge, and I never get tired of listening to your daily random facts about life.  In the car, after school, during dinner, or even when you are supposed to be doing homework you love to come up to me and say, "Mom...Did you know..." and continue with a fact you read about that day.  Many are so outrageous I often don't believe you until I look them up myself!  I love that you march to the beat of your own drum.  You are feisty, spirited, and strong willed and you know what you want in life.  I know if you take that determination and put it to good use when you are older, you are going to move mountains.  You always make me laugh with your silly personality, and you really are one of a kind!!  You love being around people, and you are quite the entertainer! You have one of the kindest hearts I know, and you are always thinking about other people. Thank you for bringing so much joy and happiness into my life, and into the world.  Wesley - I'm so glad you were born!!  You make the world a better place!   

I took Wesley to school a little late on his birthday so we could go on a special breakfast date to Waffle Love. 

 I try to limit the number of big friend birthday parties my kids have to one every couple years.  Wesley actually had big parties that last two years, so this year was our "low key" year.  On these "non-party" years I still make sure to put out some decorations the night before the birthday.  Its always fun to wake up to a house decorated just for you.  I also let them choose one place they would like to go with their brothers for their birthday celebration.  This year Wesley choose Boondocks.  He also requested Krispy Kreme instead of cake.  It was a great day!!

Blake LOVED miniature golfing.  I was getting board, and the course was getting crowded so I was trying to hurry the boys along.  Blake loved it so much that he insisted on completing every single par (is that what they are called?!). 

Wesley has a very unconventional  golfing stance.

My boys won sooo many balls that night!!!

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