Friday, May 10, 2019

Here Fishy Fishy Fishy

Even though we live hundreds of miles from any ocean,  we only need to drive five minutes to see sharks, penguins, jelly fish, and other sea creatures.  We used to have passes to the Loveland Living Aquarium years ago, but the boys were getting a little board so we decided to get passes to other places.  Luckily, the kids still get to go on field trips here once in a while, and I often try to tag along. I don't love watching a group of other people's children, but I love seeing Chase's face light up when he sees me arrive to chaperone his field trip.

There is another aquarium about an hour from us.  This one is smaller, but it is interactive and guests are able to actually pet and feed the animals. Blake loved feeding the iguana, birds, sting ray and fish.  Chase fed the giant turtle, birds, and fish.  Wesley fed some super fluffy chickens, sting ray, and fish.  Unfortunately we used all our tokens up before we realized we could feed the sharks!  At the end we also got a "fish manicure."  Sticking our hands in a pool of water while dozens of tiny fish ate away at our dead flesh was a unique experience!

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