Tuesday, May 7, 2019


Wesley (9) -

---Our neighbor was leaving on vacation and asked if we could watch her granddaughter while she was away.  Erin and Wesley are really good friends, so I agreed.  One day while the kids were in school I went shopping and bought the boys each a little treat like I often do. I like to leave it on their car seat so they can be surprised when I pick them up from school.  I forgot I needed to buy one for Erin, but figured I would just give the candy to the boys before Erin got out of school to avoid drama.  Erin goes to a different school, so I picked up the boys first and gave them their treat.  I figured they would eat it, and Erin wouldn't know - all would be fine, right?  The first thing Wesley asked (without me saying a word about it prior) was, "Did you get one for Erin?"  After explaining that I forgot, he said, "I'm going to save mine and give it to her."  That kid is silly, loves to annoy his brothers, and overall a goofball but he sure has a huge heart.  I was so proud of him to think of that all on his own.  He never wants his friends to feel left out.

---We were at a restaurant with my extended family and my uncle gave Wesley a side hug and asked him what he was into these days.  Wesley said, "Amebas, viruses, trees, photosynthesis...stuff like that!" Thats my boy!!

Blake (4-5 yrs)  -

--After coming home from school one day he proudly exclaimed, "Mama - I love school now!!!  It makes sense!!!"  Then a minute later, "Mama - what does 'makes sense' mean?"

--I was using the restroom and Blake comes over and sticks his fingers under the door.  "Mama - what are you doing?"  I tell him I am using the restroom and he says, "But Mama - I thought girls didn't go poop!"

--We usually reserve screen time for the weekends but once in a while I will (when my sanity needs it) let Blake use my phone or watch tv when his brother's are at school.  I was at the store and Blake was being extra needy.  "Mom - I'm hungry.  Mom - can I have this toy? Mom - I'm hungry.  Mom - I'm board.  Mom - I'm hungry.  Mom - what does this spell?  Mom - can I have some gum. Mom - I'm REALLY hungry..." I let him use my phone so I could finish shopping.  When we got into the car four year old Blake said, "Mom - I'm not going to tell my brothers I got to use your phone. I don't want to antagonize them!" 

--My boys fight - a lot.  They tease each other - a lot.  Being the youngest, Blake is usually at the receiving end of the teasing the most.  However, Blake absolutely LOVES his brothers.  He really cares for his family.  When something bad happens to one of them (even something small), Blake's little heart wells up with compassion.  Once I was kicking a soccer ball to Chase and accidentally hit him in the face with it.  Blake was nearby and saw the incident occur.   He ran over and told Chase over and over how sorry he was that he was in pain.  It was a pure, completely loving apology.  He had no part in the accident, but he wanted to make his brother feel better.  He did the same when Wesley had hic-ups.  He told Wesley how sorry he was that Wesley had hic-ups.  "Wesley, I feel so bad!!! I'm so sorry!  So, so sorry you have hic-ups!!"  Anytime I hurt myself - stub my toe, or cut my finger - I can always count on Blake to come running over to give me a hug and give me the most sincere apology for my ailment. 

--Blake was holding the bunny and she started digging into his lap.  He quickly said, "Hurry Mom!!  Hurry and pick her up before she turns me into a Bunny zombie!!!"

--Blake talks A LOT.  He always has something to say and is a non stop chatter box.  One day at the store he said, "Mom, am I talking a lot?"  I said "Yup!!" He said, "Its because I'm so talktable.  I have a lot of words in my mind and they are just coming out!!"

--After kissing Blake to fix one of his "owies" he said, "Mom - the kisses you give me are magical!!"

--I have been trying to teach Blake to wipe his own bum.  One day he went poop that was multi colored.  After I did a quick bum check he said, "Mom - the brown and black poop is so awkward!!!"

--If you have been reading my last posts you will know that we have had A LOT of snow this winter.  It is the middle of April, but the last few days have been in the thirties, and we keep getting snow flurries.  After I picked Blake up from school (in the freezing rain/sleet) Blake said, "Mom - all this snow is killing me!!!"

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