Sunday, June 2, 2019

The boys at this stage

I found this in my "drafts" folder that I apparently forgot to publish.  This was from 2016 (I think)??  SO Wesley would be in first grade?  And Chase would have been 4?


--Every day I drop Wesley off at school, he gets out of the car, complains about having to wear a jacket (even if it is snowing), and then will stop and look at me though the window of the car.  He then "signs" I love you by pointing to himself, crossing his arms over his chest, pointing to me, and then stretching his arms as far as they will go.  I do the same, blow him a kiss, then he runs off.  I love that he doesn't care who is watching him.  He does this to me everyday, and when he is done, he gets the biggest smile.  I love that sweet, toothless grin on that freckly, happy face.

--Wesley is VERY opinionated, stubborn, and has the strongest will I've ever seen.  If I ask him to do something he doesn't want to do, he will complain and complain and fight...and it is exhausting.  However, kids who have such strong personalities, also have such big, fun happy personalities.  He is still excited about life (has been since he rushed into this world six weeks early).  He is so sweet, and compassionate, and is just a crazy, funny kid.  I have never seen a kid with such a big personality (and I'm not just saying that because he is my son, lol).  Other people are always telling me about how silly, or funny, or entertaining he is.  It is really impossibly to control that kid.  He is wild, and seems to be driven by a motor.  I'm not going to lie, many days are hard.  Very hard.  However, I KNOW his big personality is going to get him far in life, and I wouldn't change a thing.

--He is recently obsessed with pokemon.  There is a boy about three years older who lives behind us.  He is a very smart kid like Wesley, and they both have similar interests.  He got Wesley into Pokemon, and Wesley has memorized so many details about Pokemon in only a month or two.  Its amazing to watch.  He has always been amazing at memorizing.  His obsession has ALWAY been rocks and collecting things.  For the first time, rocks are not his main focus (he still likes them), but Pokemon has taken center stage.

--Wesley has become interested in elements, and has attempted to start his own element collection from things he already owns.  He always has a project to do, and is such a busy little guy.  He really is like a mad scientist.  He is always experimenting, and ALWAYS making messes.  His room is CRAZY.  I have cleaned it sooo many times, but once Wesley gets into a project mode, he can destroy his whole room and not even realize it.  His mind is sooo focused on one task, he literally can destroy half the house in the process and be completely unaware of what he is doing (half the time naked because he just got out of the shower, and forgot he needed to get dressed because he just realized he needed to hunt for some copper for his element collection...)  .  *sigh*  Its fun to see how his mind works though.  It is very different from his brothers, and many kids his age.  I love how fascinated he is with the world, and how he tries so hard to dissect and answer his own questions though experimentation.


--Chase is still going to speech therapy.  He's so sweet, and shy, but he does has a very silly side when playing with his brothers or his friends.  He has a few little friends on our street, and he LOVES walking to their houses to see if they can play.  I love having a neighborhood where I feel safe letting my boys walk a few houses down by themselves to ask if their friend can play.  On many occasions, I'll get a text from the moms telling me that they will feed Chase lunch, and that he can play at their house.

--Recently, he's been a huge helper.  He will see me cleaning the basement, and will offer to do it - and he does a great job!!  Or, he will see my carrying something down the stairs, and will offer to help me.  I will try to give him lots of praise and gratitude to try to encourage that behavior.  He does get into these moods though, where if we tell him "no" he will sulk, and get all quiet and upset.  However, he is such a sweet kid - and is only four!!  I feel like he is much older though.  Ever since he was a baby, I've always felt like he had an old spirit.

---He loves to play dress up.  I feel like I'm "arrested" and hand cuffed by Chase the police man almost daily.  Or, he dresses like a doctor, or a mailman.  Its fun.  Wesley never liked dressing up - he wasn't a kid who liked to play pretend.  Chase loves it though, and I enjoy watching Blake and him have fun together.

--He is not a big talker, but it seems like every night after I put him to bed, and am about to close his bedroom door he decides he wants to tell me ALL about his day.  He can talk for 5 min about something that takes 10 seconds to say.  Its cute, and I try hard to nod, and say, "oh, really?" even though I'm about to pass out of exhaustion every night.

--Yes, Chase does get mad at Blake for getting into all his stuff. Yes, he even sometimes hits Blake (like brother's do).  Yes, Chase can have a bad temper, and can be VERY stubborn.  However, Chase is just such a mild mannered, sweet, kind, and easy kid.  I could easily have 10 kids if they were as easy as Chase.  He doesn't make giant messes, he doesn't run all over the store, he listens and sits very still in Primary and at school, he's very obedient, he's never mean or a bully to other kids, he tries hard to make Mommy happy, he doesn't put up a big fuss if something doesn't go his way (once in a while, but not often), and he loves to cuddle.  Hes very, very, reserved.  He would never dream of doing something silly or embarrassing in front of other people, unlike his older brother, lol.

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