Friday, April 26, 2019

Lego Land Hotel

Lego Land hotels are THE best hotels I've ever been to.  Everything is designed with children and families in mind. Two years ago we stayed in the original hotel (pirate themed room), and this time we stayed in the castle hotel (knight and dragon themed room).  Both the hotels are absolutely amazing, and have similar features - just different themes.  The front desk and lobby are full of legos to play with as well as interactive lego statues and other fun features.  The elevator has lights and music that entertains the kids while riding.  The carpet and walls are covered in lego decor.  The rooms are AMAZING.  Each room has a safe that can be opened using a code discovered while going on a scavenger hunt through the hotel.  Inside the safe are little lego sets for each boy to keep.  The kids also have their own room, complete with bunk bed and trundle.  Their room has a tv and lego building station, as well as a star projector that lights up their celling while sleeping.  Lego sculptures fill the room, as well as other lego decorations. Even the bathroom has fun lego decor as well as a child seat on the toilet.  Seriously - this hotel is so child friendly!! Besides the cute decorations, the food is phenomenal.  The complimentary breakfast buffet is located in the dining hall which is also covered in, you guessed it, amazing lego sculptures. The buffet has every breakfast food imaginable, and the variety satisfies both kids and adults alike. The hotel also has an amazing swimming pool (it was raining the night we were there, so we didn't get to use it).  There are nightly shows and entertainment for the kids as well.  Seriously - I LOVE these hotels!!  They are perfect for families with little lego lovers!!! 

It was really nice to be able to play all day at Lego Land (see previous post) and then head over to the hotel to rest when we were done and the park was closed.

The safe and treasure

The boys with their treasure 

A fun lego display inside the dinning room 

I LOVED this lego station inside our room.  This kept the kids busy while I took a shower and took luggage to the car and so on. 

After we checked out of our room, we walked over to the aquarium and spent an hour or so there.  It is pretty small, but it was a fun thing to do before heading back to Grandma's house.

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