Monday, January 8, 2018

Catch up February - April 2017

 My goal this year is to keep up with our blog, which means I need to catch up from last year first!  I print my blog into a book - and each year's book has been getting smaller, and smaller.   Lets change that!  Pictures make me so happy, and I love looking back on all our adventures!  So much joy!

Here are some highlights from February to April 2017 -
Chase lost his first tooth in feb/mar 2017 
Blake LOVES riding his balance bike.  He is so good at it too! 

Our mountains are so gorgeous.  Every time I drive somewhere,  this beauty makes me so happy! 

Earlier this year I took an online yoga class, and it was a lot of fun!  I need to exercise more. 

In March I was notified by Wesley's teacher that he was going to receive a Star student award.  Jason and I went to the assembly, and we kept searching for Wesley in the crowd of kids.  After searching through Wesley's class, we realized that he was not at the assembly.  The principle started announcing the award recipients, class by class.  Finally, Wesley's teacher stood up and they called Wesley's name.  His teacher looked so surprised when Wesley didn't get up.  She ran off stage and finally came back with him.  Apparently he went to the bathroom, got distracted, no one noticed, and wasn't at the assembly.  Winning awards is a big deal to him, so I was a little sad that he didn't get to accept the award when his name was called.
 Wesley also joined scouts this year - two troops actually.  His main troop got to visit a hospital and tour the helicopter (which ended up not being there due to an emergency).

Jason's grandmother - Grandma Pheysey -  passed away this year.  I'll have to make another post about that.  Wesley was able to fly to the east coast with Jason to attend her funeral and visit with family.  Apparently she had an open casket, and Wesley was very fascinated and wanted to touch her.  He even got up and said a few words at the microphone.  We love and miss grandma pheysey, and family activities are not the same without her.

In April I made our annual spring break trip down to California.  The boys and I love going down, and always have such a wonderful time.  Even though the drive is really long, we we usually make pretty good time.  I have it down to a science now!
Blake and Oliver 

The boys love their grandma! 

Blake and Papa are buddies 
 One of the boy's favorite parts of California is the beach.  When I lived there, I never appreciated it, and hardly ever went.  Now, I embrace it, and it brings me so much joy.  I love seeing how happy the boys get when they are near the ocean.

The boys  finally were able to meet their Great Grandpa Cabell and Grandma Linda.  The funniest part of this day was when Wesley asked them why they never got married (they have been together for over 30 years).  I almost died ha ha ha.  Its something I have always wondered, but never would have dared asked!  There is never a dull moment when Wesley is around!
I love nature, and I often get overwhelmed in California with all the traffic, people, and concrete.  I always try to find a little green when I go down.  We went to the botanical gardens one day and it was a nice little escape from busy southern California.  

Mommy!  I put sunscreen on all by myself!! 

On our way home, we went to a baby blessing for my cousin's baby who lives way out in the desert.  After the blessing we made a detour into the middle of no where to find a tortoise sanctuary to meet with more family that we have not seen in YEARS.  Its a little sad having family in so many random locations all over the US, but its really nice when we are able to get together!

The boys and I stopped at a sketchy hotel on the way home (I booked online, otherwise I probably would have kept driving lol). The lobby was nice, and had old cars to admire. The actual hotel part was really creepy - it was the kind of hotel you see on movies where people get murdered.  As I walked down the old, empty hallways I kept expecting to see a ghost jump out.  Luckily we survived and finished our journey back to Utah the next morning. 


Another one of our family favorite activities is hiking.  If I go too long without being in nature, I start to go a little crazy! Luckily, Utah is an amazing place to live for nature lovers! There is always a hike to explore just around the corner.

Chase went through a train phase where he would spend hours in our basement train room just building and playing with trains. He's moved onto legos now, but he sure did love his trains! 
 Spring is one of the most magnificent seasons up here - within weeks Utah goes from death to vibrant green!  Its amazing!

Daddy bought a truck! 

Mommy and Blake date to the tulip festival - its one of my favorite things to do each year!!  

Lastly, Blake and I participated in a science march to the state capital.  It was amazing seeing how many people believe in science, want to keep funding scientific organizations, and want to prevent the current administration from hiding scientific facts.


aprilaleman said...

Hey so here's a few questions for you. What tide pools were those? And what botanical gardens did you go to?

P.S. you are such a fun mom. So cool to see all the fun you have together. Where do you get your energy?

April and Jason said...

April - the beach was Crystal Cove. Its our favorite beach! We went to the Claremont botanical gardens.

ha ha ha - I don't think I have very much energy - I just can't sit at home all day or else I go crazy! You are always going on amazing adventures too! I love seeing all your posts!