Sunday, April 19, 2015

March Madness

I feel like life is just blasting away at the speed of light.  We are having fun going on little adventures around Utah, and the daily routines of life are also keeping us very busy.  I think I am finally settling in to our new life a little better.  I'm meeting more people and I'm finally getting comfortable driving around without having to use my GPS to find everything.  We have our routines back, and the kids are adjusted to their new schools and teachers.  Chase goes to preschool though our district twice a week for two hours a day, and just loves it.  I think it is helping him come out of his shell, and he is talking a lot more.  I still have a hard time understand maybe 25% of what he says, but he has come a long way.  The preschool is held at a local elementary school, and it is perfect for him.  Wesley is doing ok.  He is very happy, and really enjoys his class and teacher.  He still misses his old school, but he is so friendly and outgoing, he makes friends where ever he goes. His teacher expressed some concerns to me about his behavior in class.  He is very energetic and has a hard time sitting still.  He gets board very easily, and often talks and interrupts.  I have talked with the school psychologist, and she is going to test him to see what is going on.  I'm guessing he has a form of ADHD, but we will see.  It will be nice to have some answers, and a better understanding of how to help him succeed in school.  He is extremely bright, and I think that is part of the problem.  A lot of what they are learning is stuff I taught him when he was two years old.  However, he does have a hard time regulating his energy levels and that has nothing to do with boredom. 

My little Blake is a ball of energy.  He is always getting into things.  That will deserve a post of its own, but recently he has been trying to eat the boy's markers.  I hate thinking about all the ink he ingests (non toxic, but still...).  I'm not sure why he loves them so much, but I am constantly taking markers out of this kid's mouth. 

 One Saturday in March we visited the Air force museum.  The kids got to make their own rockets and shoot them off.  The launcher was hooked up to an air compressor, and these little rockets went HIGH.  It was really amazing to watch.  After walking around for a while, we headed over to Antelope Island.  I never knew there was an island in the middle of the Salt Lake!!  It wasn't super exciting, but we did enjoy seeing all the Bison that live there. 

Wesley also turned six on the 20th of March.  It was a simple Birthday, but I think he had a lot of fun.  Like we do every year, Jason and I blew up lots of balloons and put them all over the floor for him to discover in the morning of his birthday.  This kid LOVES balloons like no other kid I have ever seen.  He had fun opening gifts that morning, and instead of cake, he wanted chocolate pie for his birthday.  After I dropped Wesley off at school, I went to a local restaurant, which according to online had chocolate.  Unfortunately, it was seasonal and they only had one pie available - strawberry.  I didn't have time to go hunting for one, so I grabbed it and then headed for the dollar tree to get some helium balloons and a birthday sign to have waiting for him when he came home from school.   When he came home from school and I told him what happened with the pie, he excitedly exclaimed, "Mmmmmm!  That one sounds even better!!!" Phewwww!  Besides opening his gifts that morning, we also  took him to a rock convention that weekend where he got to pick out some new rocks to add to his constantly expanding collection.  My sweet, crazy, rambunctious Wesley is six.  Its hard to believe.  I'm so glad he is in our family.  His laugh and happy personality bring so much joy to my life.

A few years ago we started a tradition that I remember doing as a child. We make paper chains about two weeks before each boy's birthday. Wesley always enjoyes running over to his chain each morning and tearing one off and then counting the remaining chains to see how many days left until his bday.  It's a fun way to get them even more excited. 

My handsome boys all dressed up for church on the Sunday following Wesley's birthday

Panning for gold with his new gold mining kit he got for his bday. We have already discovered a few small pieces of gold!

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