Monday, April 20, 2015


Holidays spent up here are a little different from the ones we have celebrated all our lives in California.  We normally have lots of family from both sides celebrating with us.   Now, it is just the five of us.  However, it is often nice to have the quiet to just spend time as a little family enjoying each other. 

This Easter we died eggs to look like Pirates.  Arrrghhhh!!! Wesley always makes me smile with his enthusiastic cute comments.  As we were decorating he said, "I LOVE this Mommy!!! This is so fun!!!"  The night before Easter we had our big Easter dinner since I was leaving for California on Easter in the afternoon.  Jason made ham, and I made funeral potatoes, green beans, Rhodes rolls,  and a yummy pretzel, jello salad.  It was SOOO good.    On Easter the Easter Bunny hid the Easter baskets in the house and left clues inside Easter eggs to help the boys find their baskets.   In my mind I thought this was a fun idea, but the boys didn't think it was as much fun as I had envisioned.  When they woke up and only saw a little stuffed bunny holding a plastic egg on the couch instead of baskets, I think they thought the Easter Bunny didn't leave them anything.  Wesley came running up stairs into my room, and handed me the bunny and said, "Well, I think the Easter bunny left this for Blake." It was a little sad.  Then after I opened the egg and explained how the baskets were hidden and they had to follow the clues, they were excited...until they discovered it was more work than they wanted to do, ha ha ha.  In a 4,000 square foot house, they quickly became tired running up and down the stairs following clues.  Finally, they found their baskets down in one of the spare bedrooms in the basement.  After that, they had an Easter egg hunt in our yard.  We have the perfect side yard for a good hunt, and all the boys had fun.  Cute little Blake even enjoyed himself, and had fun putting some eggs in his basket.  We just relaxed the rest of the day, and watched some conference.  At 2:30 I headed off towards California by myself with the three boys (Jason had to work that week).  Wesley had spring break, and I wanted to go see my family and friends.  I hated leaving on Easter, especially since Jason wasn't coming, but I wanted to be able to have as much time as I could in Cali, and it was the best time to leave.  We stopped at my grandpa's house in St. George and drove the rest of the way the next morning.  It was an adventure, but I'll post about that later. 

Our grass is finally starting to get green again after the Winter!  I'm not used to California, grass is green all year!!

The boys wore their Easter outfits when we were down in California the next Sunday.   We went to my old church, stayed for about an hour, quickly changed, and headed back to Utah.

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