Monday, April 13, 2015


I started writing this like 6 months ago with the intention of adding more to this list, and it got lost in my drafts, so I'll post it before I forget about it.

 I feel so very, very guilty that I don't have long lists of cute things Chase says like I have for Wesley.  Its not that he doesn't say them, its just that I can't understand 70% of what he says.  He is going to speech therapy right now, so I am hoping his speech becomes clearer.  He is such a sweet little boy, and his personality is vastly different from Wesley's.  Even if I could understand what he said all the time, I know his humor is not like Wesley's at all.  What he does say is usually factual information, or asking for this, or telling me how much he loves me.  WHen he says prayers, they seem so sincere and sweet.  He makes sure to bless Grandma every time he prays that she will feel better from the surgery she had a month or two back.   He isn't as bold or silly as Wesley, and doesn't walk up to strangers to tell them hilarious things.  He has a quiet, composed, and very sweet nature.  His nursery leaders always say how well behaved he is, and how sweet he is.  He is not one to hurt others, or be mean.  He listens, and sits still very well.  He is observant, and is starting to ask me more questions.  While we were driving the other day there was a stop light that wasn't working.  Chase says in his quiet sweet voice, "The light needs new batteries!"  or, as he sounds, "da yite need new baties!!" Wesley is pronounced "De-hee" I am getting better at understand the jist of what he is trying to say, but I feel so bad that he will come up and ask me a question, and I really have no clue if he is asking why the sky is blue, or if he can eat a popcycle.  However, one of my favorite things he says to me is " mommy, you are beautiful."  Often when I put him to be he will look up at me with his sweet smile and say " mommy you are so beautiful" or " you are my favorite girl." It melts my heart.

Wesley prayers are usually the same.  For meals he tries to go super fast, and us almost always blesses the food twice to make sure it is extra blessed.  Sometimes, however, he gives pretty awesome prayers.  A few of my Favorites: " Please bless all the people who will die tomorrow that they will find their way to heaven" "Please bless the stars to not collapse and help us to not get sucked into a black hole" "Please bless the tomatoes in this ketchup that they won't be mad at us for eating them!"

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