Thursday, August 14, 2014

My silly, Wonderful, Crazy Wesley and other Wesley-isms

 Wesley loves to help me bake.  He insists on sitting on the counter so he can help.  Sometimes he gets a little too carried away and starts putting gross crumbs and stuff from the counter into my batter.  I have to watch that little guy very carefully, lol.  Here he helped me make a homemade vanilla banana pudding with homemade merange (sp?) on top!!

 I could write a novel each month on the things Wesley says.  I try to remember them and write them down, but with two other little guys I have been forgetting a lot of it.  Here are just a few of my favorite things he has said recently that I can remember.  :-) 

---We were going for a walk the other day, and spotted a big black bird who was trying to carry  a smaller sparrow bird (maybe a baby bird?) in his beak.  The other sparrows were chirping at the big bird, but it started to fly away with the poor little bird in his beak.  Both Wesley and I were kind of upset over it.  I know, it is just nature, but I couldn't help but feel bad for the Mommy bird and the other sparrows as they watched the little baby bird being carried away by the big mean black bird.  Wesley immediately asked if he could pray for the little bird.  So right there on our walk we stopped, and he said such a sweet prayer that the little bird would be ok, and that the big bird wouldn't hurt him.  What a sweet testimony that nothing is too small to ask God for help with!

---Wesley LOVES balloons.  He received one at a party, and his inquisitive little mind wanted to let it go in the air to see what it would do.   Letting it go would be hard though, because he really loves balloons.  He said, "its ok if I let it go, because I have you Mommy, and you are the very best gift of all!!" 

---Wesley was poking my tummy, and I said, "Do you remember when my tummy was really big when I had the baby in there?" W: "Yes, and now your tummy isn't big anymore!  Just all floppy!"  me: "Is your tummy floppy?" W: "No, but when I'm a grown up, and when I get pregnant it will be floppy too."

---We were watching Prince of Egypt (I think that is what it is called... Its about Moses) last Sunday.  During the beginning when Moses's mom puts him in a basket and sends him down the river (as super sad music is playing), all of the sudden I hear Wesley sobbing.  I look over, and he is just crying huge crocodile tears.  I'm not talking about a few little tears while whimpering, I'm talking about full on river is flowing while he is sobbing like a family member died.  Jason and I asked what was wrong, and he attempts to speak while hysterically crying, "That is sooo sad!!  I don't want the baby to loose his Mommy!!  I don't want her to miss her baby!!  That makes me soooo sad!!"  What a sweet, sensitive little guy!!  I think now that he has a baby brother whom he loves so much, it made him sooo upset to think a family could/would send their baby away.  It really hit him hard.  I have never seen him so upset over a movie (and he does get quiet emotional during movies). 

---I had some old pictures out of when I was in high school.  Wesley took one and asked if he could keep it.  I was reluctant, because I knew as soon as I said "yes" it was going to get lost, or destroyed. I asked him why he wanted it and he said, "You look so beautiful Mommy!  I want to hang it up so I can look at you all the time!!"    Awww!!!!

---Wesley is a very, uh, spirited little guy.  He has enough energy for our whole house.  On Sunday he was supposed to give the scripture in Primary.  I was in the back with the baby and one of the Primary counselors was going to help him with the scripture.  He walks up, and all the of sudden starts loudly yelling in the microphone saying all sorts of silly things.  All the kids start cracking up, and the primary room is in an uproar.  Embarrassed, I rush over to control the situation, and he keeps going.  I firmly tell him to get down if he is not going to be reverent.  He starts to get upset because he wants to recite the scripture.  I repeat to him what he is supposed to say, and in a silly voice he loudly repeats the words in the microphone.  *sigh*  It is one of those situations where other people think it is hilarious, while I was mortified, lol.  I KNOW I will laugh about it someday, but, holy moly, that kid keeps me on my toes!!!

---To go along with the previous one, last year Wesley participated in his first primary program.  I don't think I ever wrote about it in my blog, so I wanted to document what he did.  This program is where all the primary kids sing and give a short "talk" (a few sentences) to the church congregation.  Wesley sat in the very front row on stage, and the whole time he was making silly faces at everyone, staring off into space, wiggling, singing the songs really silly, and so on.  The best part was when he started to pick his nose while everyone was singing.  He then holds it way up high so all could see and mouths, "LOOK!!!  A BOOGER!!!"  HA HA HA!  Once again, sooo embarrassing at the moment, but I can't stop smiling thinking about it now.  Also, his "talk" was something like, "Jesus loves us."  While up there, I was scared he was going to be silly, but he said his line, and then whispered to the lady helping him, "Can I say one more thing?"  Nervous, she told him he could.  He then proudly says, "And heavenly father loves us too!!!"  Sooo many people told him how cute he was, and how much fun they had watching him.  He was for sure the highlight of the show.  :-0

---Wesley is soo inquisitive.  I can't tell him to do something, without a five minute conversation all about what I asked him.  For Example... M: "Wesley, eat your egg" W: "Why is it called, 'hard boiled?' IS this white stuff the runny part of the egg?  What is this yellow stuff?  Is it what keeps the chicken alive?  Why?  Am I eating a chicken? Will this bounce?  Why is it hard, and not soft?  Where did the shell go?"  And on, and on, and on.  We can't eat one meal without him mixing water in it to do an "experiment" as he calls it.  My bathroom is constantly covered in water....and dirt...and who knows what else.  He is always trying to freeze water to see what happens.  He tries to mix water with things, or pour it on things.  He is ALWAYS getting into things and experimenting. He pretty much never plays with toys.  He would rather be hunting through my room, searching to find treasure.  He gets into ALL my stuff.  He is worse than a 2 year old, lol.    It is awesome and extremely exhausting at the same time.   Sometimes Chase leaves his pee in his little toddler toilet if he goes when I wasn't helping him. One day Wesley took the liberty of trying to dump it in the toilet himself.  Apparently he accidentally dumped it ALL over the bathroom floor, and I walked in as he was trying to wipe it up with like two squares of toilet paper.  He has cut his fingers on Daddy's razor in the shower because he wanted to see what it was.  He has taken a sip of Grandma's air freshener because he wanted to know what it would taste like (and we had to call poison control, but luckily everything was ok).  He has eaten plants in the backyard for the same reason.  I'm telling you - keeping this kid alive is a full time, and exhausting job!  :-)  I can't wait to see what he will be like as an adult though - I picture a super, awesome red headed mad scientist :-) 


aprilaleman said...

lol. Thats all so awesome. I think he should be a mad scientist for Halloween. That was what my nephew was one year and it was awesome.

Chelsea said...

I'm sure enjoying catching up on your blog! Your kids are just darling. I loved reading about Wesley's big personality, and his sensitive little spirit!