Thursday, September 4, 2014

My Blakey Bear

The months are FLYING, and with Wesley in school, I have been busier than ever.  These days are  just going by so ridiculously fast, I can't even keep up.  My house is in a serious need for a deep cleaning; I have so much laundry to fold; I am ridiculously sleep deprived; however, updating this blog for our family records seems more important than the rest of that stuff right now :-) 

Blakers is now 7 months old.  He is a giant, squishy baby.  He is almost  in the 100th % for height, and I think he is about 83% for weight (18ish pounds).  He is so, so tall.  At 6 months he was bigger than many 1 year olds.  Many people ask me how old he is, and are so surprised when I tell them only 7 months, especially when they have an older baby who is much smaller.  I fell like saying, "Yes, I know - my baby looks like he can eat your baby..."  I'm not sure if he will stay tall, but it is interesting having such a big baby since neither Jason nor myself are very tall. 

--He really is just the happiest, sweetest, squishiest, most fluffy headed baby ever.  I hate using the term "good baby" because all babies are good.  However, as all mom's know, some babies are just more easy going than others.   Blake is a really, really good baby.  I feel very blessed to have his sweet spirit in our home.  He is soooo incredibly easy to take places.  We can drive for hours and hours, and he will only fuss if hungry.  Once he nurses, he is good to go for another few hours.  I drag him all over the place to drop off his brothers for school, or speech therapy and so on, and he never complains.  With this heat, he is often dripping in sweat as we walk from the car to school in 100 degree scorching temps to pick up Wesley, and he still does amazing.  I complain more than he does I think ;-).

--He can't crawl, but he rolls all over the place to get what he wants.  He has always been a super wiggly baby and still is.  He gets into EVERYTHING within reach.  I am sooo scared for the day he starts to crawl.  I am going to be in trouble!!   He doesn't like to sit on my lap for very long, and would rather be getting into things and moving around.

--He can sit really well, but purposely falls a lot so he can get on his tummy and roll around.

--He sleeps worse than he did as a newborn.  He just wants to nurse ALL night.  He wakes up every 1-2 hours to eat.  He can't go back to sleep without eating, so I can either let him fuss forever, or just nurse for 5 min so we can get another 2 hours of sleep before he wakes up again.  I am so very, very tired.  I kind of dread going to bed some nights.  I am looking forward to the day he starts sleeping more, but I know it probably won't be for a long time at the rate he is going.  All part of being a Mommy though :-)

--He only eats solid food about once a day.  Sometimes I can get him to eat two.  I am hoping if he starts eating more solid food, he might sleep a little longer at night.  He would rather nurse, but I think he is finally starting to come around to solids.  He hates any chunks though, and even the tiniest piece in his baby food will cause him to gag, which usually leads to a giant fountain of puke.  He has the craziest gag reflex.  He has thrown up so many times (and I'm not talking about spit up), due to gagging himself with a toy, or while trying to give him medicine, or while eating baby food that was not completely liquified. 

--He loves the bath, his brothers, going on walks, vegetable baby food more than fruit, sleeping on his side, observing the world, smiling, and grabbing anything within reach.  He doesn't really cry at all, he just fusses.  He only actually cries when hurt (which is hardly ever), or if he is really tired and I can't get to him right away if I am helping his brothers.  He is getting one tooth in, and I am going to miss that sweet gummy smile!  He likes to be held, but not cuddled.  He very rarely falls asleep while I am holding him.  He would much rather sleep in his own bed. 

--He is my perfect, happy, healthy, and sweet little blessing! He really is my little sunshine! When I am upset or frustrated by his crazy older brothers, all I have to do is look over at his sweet smiling face and he makes everything seem happier.  I just love that sweet little boy to pieces!

I bought a new photography set which I am pretty excited about.  I used it to take Blake's 6 month pictures, and love how they turned out! 

I've been going on walks in the evening after Jason gets home alone with Blake.  Now that he can sit better, this car is perfect, and he loves it!

I have been getting some good deals on a monthly baby/toddler subscription service.  He had fun last month opening his surprise he got in the mail ;-)

He loves his jumper!

He LOVES these baby Popsicles I have been making with breastmilk.  They are great for teething, and for hot days!

How can anyone be sad around this sweet face?!  I don't think it is possible! 

He still sleeps in his swing each evening before dinner.  He is getting almost too big for it!

I've been trying so many different sleep arrangements with Blake.  He seems to like being swaddled still with one arm out, and he loves sleeping on his side.

He likes to sleep on his side, and sometimes he tries to lay on his side while in the swing.  I found him like this one afternoon.  Its a good thing I keep him tightly buckled!

Look!  A tooth!

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