Monday, July 14, 2014

5 months

At 5 months old Blake:

---Is a super smiley, and HAPPY baby.  Both Jason's and my families always comment on how happy Blake always seems to be! 

---hates being on his tummy, and will roll to his back any time I try to put him down for tummy time.

---fusses pretty much ALL day, unless we are out somewhere, then he is the absolute perfect baby.

---is a VERY wiggly baby.  He HAS to be held out to see everything.  He will not tolerate being cuddled against anyone if he can't see what is going on in the room.  Even when being held he is wiggling all over and trying to grab everything, and shove everything in his mouth.  If it is any indication of how he will be as a toddler, I am in for trouble!  :-)

--loves his jumper, is getting board with his play gym, and only likes his infant swing now when he is tired.  He doesn't like being swaddled, but it is the only way he will get to sleep at night, and stay asleep.  He loves playing with paper, and tries to eat everything he can get his hands on.  He loves when I sing, "You Are My Sunshine"  and he loves going for walks.  

---is a super, super fast nurser.  He seriously speed eats, and only spends a few minutes on each side, which is crazy since he is so big and one would think he spend hours eating! 

---he is HUGE.  He is in 12 month clothing, some of which is already getting tight.  At his 4 month check up he was almost 17 pounds, and I think it was 26 inches?  Pretty much 80-90th percentile.  He was as tall as his one year old cousin when he was only 4 months old!  He looks like he should be running around, eating steak.  I keep reminding people he is only 5 months old, and he is still a little infant! 

---I just recently tried feeding him some rice cereal and green bean baby food.  He did great the first night, but the next few nights he wasn't interested.  He  only ate a few bites each time before crying.  I guess I will wait until he is 6 months before introducing more.  He is pretty happy and healthy just nursing right now, so we will just stick with that. Plus, it is pretty awesome looking at his giant, sweet, rolly polly baby body knowing I made him and have nourished him solely for over 15 months (including when I was pregnant with him) so far! Our bodies are amazing! 

---He still wakes up about twice to eat at night, and sometimes one or two times for his paci.  I knew when I was pregnant with him that I wanted to nurse exclusively and on demand.  However, I always forget how tiring the first year is, especially when I have a baby who wakes up multiple times a night for months and month and months. I always hope my babies will sleep through the night by this age, but just like with Chase, it seems like Blake is becoming a worse sleeper the older he gets.  He will wake up multiple times a night and I have to give him his paci.  I will nurse him around 2 or 3, and again around 530 or 6 after which I will bring him in bed, and after that he kind of sleeps until 7 if I am lucky, but most of the time he just kind of wiggles next to me until I get up.  I don't get more than 2 or 3 hours of consecutive sleep.  Oh well!  Life of a mom!  :-)

--I love my little guy, and I love how at only 5 months old he has such a strong desire to be near us, and with us.  He wants to watch what we are doing, and interact and "help" and not just sit next to us.  He was to participate in life, and not just sit around on the sidelines!

If this is not the face of pure joy, I don't know what is!

watching the older boys ride their bikes

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