Sunday, July 27, 2014

June stuff

Here are some everyday things we did in June -

 I am still swaddling this sweet little guy to get him to sleep.  However, as of the last week, I now swaddle him with one arm out since he seems to like having an arm free.

Legos, Legos, EVERYWHERE!! 

This is a typical scene - Wesley studying his rock collection while the rocks are sprawled out all over the floor.  I am soooo worried about what I am going to do when Blake starts crawling.   We have small things ALL over our house.  *sigh*  
 I'm not very good at cooking, but I recently discovered a joy in baking.  I have been trying new healthy-ish, fun recipes for lunch usually at least once a week or so.  Chicken nuggets, and sandwiches get boring after a while.  This one was a puffed, baked apple pancake, with yes, whipped cream.  :-) 

My cute Wesley with our cute little neighborhood in the back
 One morning I brought my camera to the table, and I started taking random pictures of Chase eating breakfast.  I love how sweet these pictures are! 

I LOVE living on a cul-de-sac, and the boys love riding their bikes and their many other outdoor toys out there. 

 Of course, what better way to cool off after a tiring bike ride, than to play in the sprinklers?! 

 Our orange tree has a bountiful supply of super yummy and juicy oranges.  The boys and I love how easy it is to go and pick a few oranges from our back yard, and within a few minutes we have delicious, freash orange juice! 

bedtime snuggles

The boys took swim lessons back in June.  I don't think they really know how to swim any better than before, but they are definitely way more comfortable with the water now.  Chase quietly sat on the steps for each lesson, and it took a few days for him to finally get in and participate.  On the other hand, Wesley was overly excited and kept trying to get in the water when he wasn't supposed too, and got in trouble a few times. 
Blake waiting with Mommy while his brothers were swimming

This was the last day of class when they went over water safety

After the last day of swim, I treated them to some ice cream

My little dino boy!

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