Tuesday, June 24, 2014

My three boys

I took the boy's pictures a month and a half back, and I am finally getting around to posting them.  It is a lot of work setting everything  up, making sure everyone is happy, making sure the lighting is right, getting them dressed, making sure they don't destroy the backdrops, taking the pics, and then finding time to edit them.  I love it though, and looking back on all the pics I have taken of them over the years makes me happy. :-)  If it wasn't quite so much work, I think I would take professional pictures of them at least once a month.  :-) 

My Boys:

Wesley - I LOVE how smart you are.  You amaze me everyday.  You make me laugh when I see you every morning, bright and early (between 6 and 7 is when you get up), playing with your beloved rock collection.  You carefully study each one, and proudly tell me the story of each of them.  You have hundreds of rocks, but you remember many of their names, and where they came from.  You eagerly tell anyone who will listen ALL about your many rocks.  You get soooo excited when anyone gives you a new rock, even if it is just what most people would consider a "regular" rock.  You are such a sweet brother to Blake.  You just love him to pieces, and I am so grateful for your kindness and love towards him.  Now, with Chase, that is a different story.  :-)  You do love Chase, but I know he is your little brother and he pesters you and bugs you a lot.  I know you would be so lonely without him though.  I love how you are always telling me that I am the best Mommy you ever had.  It means more to me than you know!!  I love how you always ask me why I picked you out of all the little boys to be my son.  You are so silly, and get distracted sooo easily.  It often takes you 30 min or more just to eat a meal because you are so busy studying your food with a magnifying glass, or experimenting with mixing it up, or adding some of your drink to the food.  It drives Mommy crazy sometimes, but I sure do love your inquisitive nature.  I love that the world is so exciting to you.  Everything is an adventure, and there is always a question on your mind.  As an example, while taking a shower after swimming lessons, you asked me why water evaporates.  You want to know about this earth in ways kids many years older than you probably don't even think about.  You are always trying to make me happy, and are such a good helper.  You are such a cute boy my sweet Wesley! 

Chase - My sweet little Bubbas.  One of my favorite parts of the day occurs at night as I am putting you to bed when you look at me with your sweet smile, and ask me to lay down next to you. You love when I lay as close as I can next to you in your new big boy bed, and run my fingers over your face as I either sing a song, or as we just lay there in the quiet.  You have loved that since you were a very small infant.  You always have wanted to cuddle up as close to me as you can, and I love it.  I love that you can play by your self so nicely, and that you can entertain your self so well with any one of your many vehicles.  I always appreciate how well behaved you are for being a three year old, and what a big help it has been on me.  However, you sure make me work hard to get you to eat each night.  You almost never eat dinner unless I feed you while making all sorts of sounds with your fork.  You ask me to do anything from trains and plans, to witches, cats, and even silly sounds.  It is a workout feeding you!  :-)  I love that you love to brush the baby's hair, and how you love to help Mommy in the kitchen, or just around the house.  You love giving me butterfly kisses, Eskimo kisses, and other silly kisses.  I am so grateful for your sweet little spirit in our home.  Your smile and hugs bring so much happiness in my life!

Blake - my darling little baby boy!  You know exactly how to melt my heart, and you are only four months old!!!  You are just the cutest baby, and your smile is the sweetest, purest, most joyful thing I get to look at everyday.  You are my Mr. Wiggles, and you are always moving and kicking and wiggling.  I think you will be an active little toddler. You want to keep up with your older brothers! You love to be out of the house, and you love to see new things.  You get board easy, so you are very happy when ever we are in a new place.  You love being in the car, and I think I have only heard you really cry maybe three times in the car since you have been born.  You are so happy, and everyone always comments on your sweet smile.  You love to smile at everyone, and you spread lots of joy to other people.  Many women have commented that you make them want to have another baby when they hold you.  Others comment on how happy your smile makes them feel.  I love that you seem to spread joy everywhere we go! You have the sweetest disposition.  You are soo adorable and squishy. I just want to hug you and kiss you all day!   I am so blessed to have you as my boy!

I have to take hundreds of pictures in order to get a few good ones.  Here are the edited ones that are my favorites:

Here are some other unedited ones that are cute too:

Outtake #1  tee hee hee

Blake's cute foot kept sticking out of his swaddling blanket

When taking pics of an older sibling holding a baby, I've learned I have to hurry because little arms get tired fast, and baby starts slumping

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