Wednesday, June 11, 2014

San Diego

Jason travels all over the place with his job, and gets to see amazing things.  I am not brave enough to travel with him to many of these places with the boys.  However, we decided to join him in San Diego part of the time while he was working down there.  He always gets to stay in really nice hotels, and his work gives him money each day for food, so it is kind of like a free vacation.  We had a really fun time.  However, three little boys on vacation, all together in a small hotel room, is A LOT of work.  Amazingly though, everyone slept really well, and we even got a nap in one of the days! Since Jason has high status, we get to stay in the upper level rooms, and most of the other guests around us are business people who just want peace and quiet.  I am pretty sure we were one of the only ones with kids, and I tried hard to make sure we were not too disruptive to all the other guests!  We had access to the lounge, which is usually really quiet, so it was fun trying to make sure the boys were well behaved.  The lounge had a nice view of the temple, which was really awesome to look at while we ate. The boys had so much fun, and I'm glad we went.  We even got to walk over to Jason's work one day and have lunch with him.  We don't get to do that too often!

As soon as we walked in the door, the boys ran and claimed their beds.  Wesley asked, "But where are you going to sleep?" He assumed they got the beds all to themselves!! 
 There is a really nice outdoor mall across the street from the hotel. The first night we ate there for dinner.  It was awesome because there is an ice skating rink in the food court, so we got to eat and see a show!  They were practing for some Disney show, so everyone was in costume.  Really fun! 
Blake sat and played with his fingers while we ate :-)

The Mall had these giant awesome seats.  The boys loved them!

 Lego Land!  Most rides required one adult for one kid, so it was hard for one of us to take both kids on a ride while the other watched the baby (since he couldn't go on any rides).  We had to carry Blake though the lines, and do a swap where one of us took one kid, and then swap and the other parent took the other kid.  It was nothing like Disneyland, where I could take all three on most rides by myself, but luckily Jason was there to help.  It was a little bit of a challenge, but we made it work, and we all had a really good time.  

Set of the Lego Movie

One of Wesley's favorite parts of Lego Land was all the play areas or "parks."  He would have played there all day if we let him. 

Two of my favorite things - a sweet baby, and a sweet treat :-)  Blake was soooo good all day too.  Such a good little baby!

Can you spot my two muchkins? At the end we let them get wet and play in the water area.  I didn't bring any extra clothing though, so they were wet and cold going back to the car.  Worth it though :-)

In the hotel lobby

 Birch Aquarium!

Blake enjoying the view.  Once again, he did amazing!  He is such an easy baby to take places. He hardly makes a peep, and is either sleeping, or enjoying his surroundings. 

Blake likes the fluffy hotel bed

Coronado Island

Sea Port Village

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