Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Four months!

Wait - didn't I JUST write a post about Blake being three months old?! Holy Moly - life is flying!!  To sum up....Yes, I am still sleep deprived.  I think that is the hardest part about having a baby with two other kids - the sleep deprivation.   Yes, three kids is a lot of work, but we are all alive so big pat on the back to me!!  :-)  Yes, some days are pretty crazy, but we are making it work.  Chase was potty training, but that has come to a giant, screeching halt.  *sigh* Potty training is soooooo fun....  let me tell you!!  Blake is still waking up around 2:30 to eat, and again at like 4:30 or 5 (hence my note on sleep deprivation above), and usually doesn't want to go back to sleep after 5:30, unless I'm lucky and can get him to sleep for another hour or so.  Nursing is still going great, and even though waking up at night is hard, I know it helps keep my supply going to feed my little guy's big belly!  He is already in almost size 9 month clothing, and will soon be in size 3 diapers.  I think he is around 15 lbs, but I will find out in a week. I can't believe he is growing so much all on my milk alone.  Bodies are sooo amazing to be able to make enough food to keep another human alive.  I love it!  It is such a blessing and a miracle to be able to nurse.  

Wesley and Blake are best friends.  They seriously have the sweetest bond.  I don't know if it is the red hair that binds their spirits, or just because they are 5 years apart, but they really love each other.  Blake gives Wesley the biggest smiles, and Wesley is just in love with Blake.  Wesley says, "Why are babies sooo cute?! I never want Blake to grow up!!" He is always saying how cute Blake is, and how much he loves him, and how glad he is that he is a boy with red hair.  He loves playing with him, and is just sooo sweet with him.  When ever he cries, Wesley runs over and starts to sing to him to get him to calm down.  Wesley gets sooo excited when Blake smiles at him. They are just so cute with each other.  I hope it stays that way as Blake gets older.

my angel baby

 I feel like I don't get to hold Blake as much as I want.  I feel a little bad, but I guess that is how it is with three kids.  I mean, I hold him a lot, but it is usually carrying him around as I try to tend to the other ones.  He is not a super cuddly baby, so at night after the older boys are in bed when I do have time to just spend with him, he would rather be on his own, or smile and talk to me as he lays next to me.  When I go to put him to bed, he just wants to quickly eat, and then wants to be swaddled and put to bed.  He very rarely falls asleep while nursing.  Chase loved to snuggle close before bed time, and always fell asleep in my arms, but Blake just wants to be swaddled and put down.  Chase also loved to cuddle with me in bed, and Blake does if he is really tired, but he is really wiggly and seems to like being on his own for the most part.  If he ever does fall asleep on me during the day, I usually have to put him down to help the older boys, which is sad that I can't just cuddle him like I want.  However, once in a while I am lucky and he falls asleep on me while the boys are either occupied or asleep themselves, and I try to soak him up, because it doesn't happen a lot.  

Blake has outgrown his Bassinet.   It is a gorgeous bassinet that I have used with all three of my boys, but they seem to outgrow it soo fast!  His head and feet were almost touching the ends, so it was time to move him out.  I put up the pack and play next to my bed, and that is where he will stay until he is probably a year old, unless he sleep though the night sooner.  I love having my babies next to me though.  I can hear them breath, and bring them close to snuggle and nurse when I need to.  It only feels right to keep them close for a while since they were growing inside me for so long.   

...he has outgrown all his swaddle wraps too.  Time to move up to the big boys wraps!
new bed!

He has also started using his jumper this month too.  What a big, sweet boy!  

Some of my friends think it is weird, but I love having a stash of extra milk.  I sometimes over produce, so I store the extra in the freezer. I guess having Wesley in the NICU when I had to store ALL of my milk for him made me realize how important and valuable it is.


He is loosing a lot of his cute red hair, and looks like an old man baby :-)  The cutest old man baby I know though!  :-)

Gaaaa - that cute face melts my heart every time I see it!!

 It really is amazing how my love multiplies with each child.  I love that each of my babies seems to be hand picked for our family.  I love my little blessing!

1 comment:

aprilaleman said...

He really is so beautiful!