Friday, April 4, 2014

Mr. two month old

Eeeek!  Blake is growing like a weed! I grow more in love with him each day.  I am pretty sure if he was my first, I would want like 10 more kids, because he really is the easiest baby.  He has fit so well with our family, and it really hasn't been hard adjusting to him at all.  Sure, three kids is a little harder than two, but since we are already used to the messes, the diapers, the mountains of laundry, lack of sleep, and pushing around giant double strollers, adding one more to the mix really hasn't been too hard. 

---He is not the biggest cuddler.  He loves to nurse, but he is quick and efficient.  He LOVES to smile and talk to us and look at our face, but he would rather be in his swing than cuddling for the most part.  If he gets board he will let me know, and I will hold him for a while until he wants his swing again.  Sometimes when he falls asleep I will pick him up and cuddle with him for a while so I can get in some baby love :-) 

---He gets fussy if he is in the same place for too long (on my lap, in his chair, in the car seat), and he loves seeing new things, and enjoys a change of scenery (don't we all though?)

---He still sleeps almost all day.  I thought by two months babies started to be awake for longer periods, but Blake still sleeps as much as a newborn.  It helps me get things done, but unfortunatly, with two other kids I still don't get many naps.

---He goes to bed around 9 or 9:30, and usually wakes up to nurse around 2:30, and again around 5:30. He is almost like an alarm clock, and is very predicable.  I am hoping he will slowly go longer periods without waking, because I am pretty tired.  I feel like a zoombie many mornings.  ;-) However, he goes to bed right away without fuss, which I am sooo grateful for.  He doesn't even like me to rock him to sleep.  I wrap him in the swaddle me wrap while he is wide awake, and with the help of paci, he goes right to sleep all on his own. 

---He LOVES taking a bath.   He LOVES when I rub his head, or brush his hair.  He closes his eyes, and sometimes starts to fall asleep.   He LOVES Wesley and will give him the biggest smiles.  I think they are kindred spirits with their cute red hair.

---He is my little volcano.  He likes to wait until I take his diaper off, and then out comes the poo...all over.  Fortunately, I have learned quick and I am prepared for the "lava" with each diaper change, lol  

---Just like my pregnancy with him, everything so far is pretty easy.  *knock on wood*  He doesn't spit up much, he doesn't cry too much, he doesn't really get gassy, he has only had like two blow up diapers, he nurses well, and he sleeps well.  Hopefully this isn't the calm before the storm, ha ha ha.

We love our sweet, beautiful little Blake, and are so grateful he came to our family! 

After the older boys were in bed, Blake fell asleep on the couch next to me watching tv 

Those sweet baby smiles melt my heart!! 

Skinny, but long! 

Sweet little guy kept smiling at Great Grandma and was trying to touch her face.  It was the first time I've seen him trying to grab something 

Smiling at Wesley

Fell asleep before we even started our walk! 

Trying the bumbo for the first time

Mommy - I'm not ready yet!!! 

smiling at himself in the mirror 

His favorite place to be

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