Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Wesley is five!!

It is amazing that my once sick five pound little baby is now a healthy, crazy, smart, energetic, silly, wonderful five year old!!  His personality is as bright as his hair, and he is just an amazing little kid.  He is soo very smart, but boy can he be stubborn!  He is so excited about the world, and he still loves his rocks!  He wants to be a Geologist, and can tell you all about the different rocks that he owns (he is getting quite the collection!!).  He is so friendly and will strike up a conversation (usually about his rocks) with any stranger in the store, at the park, or on the street.  He is very witty, and has a huge vocabulary.  He often says things that people would never guess could come out of the mouth of a 4 or 5 year old.  He has more energy that our whole family put together, and I know if he is determined enough he can put all that energy to help make the world a better place.  He keeps me on my toes, and can wear me out, but he is such a sweet boy. The other week I was sick, and Wesley said, "I'm so sorry you have a cold.  I have an idea as to what will make you feel better."  He went to his room and brought me back his 'froggy' that he has cherished since he was a baby.  He sleeps with him every night.  He said, "he makes me feel better when I am sick, so maybe he will make you feel better too."  That completely melted my heart.  He always tells me he loves me "More than the universe" or "more than the fluffiest bunny you ever saw"  or "bigger than the earth" or "stinkier than the stinkiest feet! " and so on.  He also tells me "you are the best Mommy I ever had.  I am so glad I picked you to be my Mommy!!"  I am so glad he picked me to be his Mommy too!  I love that little guy more than I have words for!  :-) 

Jason was traveling on his actual birthday, so my family (my mom, grandma, Chris and Jocelyn) and I took him to the Rainforest cafe for lunch.  Poor Chase was terrified in there and was shaking the whole time.  He was so scared of all the moving animals and the thunder/lightening.  I felt like a mean mom for making him stay so his brother could have a nice birthday lunch.  We always walk by the Rainforest Cafe when we go to the mall, and Wesley has been looking forward to eating there for his birthday for quite a while.  It is so fun in there (at least everyone but Chase thought so!), and I even ordered a volcano cake with chocolate lava for him!!  After that  we went to build a bear.  That night we had dinner at my parent's house.  When Jason got home that Saturday, we all went to a local rock and dinosaur museum where we went on a little hike where we learned about dinos and rocks, and at the end we got to dig through a rock pit to find 12 minerals and crystals.  It was pretty much a perfect activity for our little Geologist.  After that we headed back to our house for cake and ice cream.  I think he had a really good Birthday!! :-)  AND tomorrow Grandma Burnell is going to take everyone to Ferall's ice cream for dinner.  He is one spoiled little guy!

As a tradition, we always have lots of balloons waiting in the living room on Wesley's Birthday

Real Geologist tools for core and soil sampling!  

as soon as he opened his gifts, he ran outside to his fort and got right to work digging out the rocks from the excavation kit we got him

At Grandma's house

on the dino/rock hike Saturday Morning

There is a nail on his hand standing up from the magnetic rock

We (us and Wesley's cousins) were the only ones on the tour that morning.  Here we all are looking at different rocks shown to us by our tour guide before the hike

rock heaven

hunting for rocks

Wesley picked out a Zebra cake that my mom and I made

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