Sunday, March 23, 2014

Disneyland #14

For weeks sweet little Chase had been asking me to go to Disneyland.  "Din-yand Peeeeeeeeeeeeeeessssss??????" he asks in his cute little high pitched quiet voice.  Our passes are expiring in a few weeks, and I knew if I was going to take my boys one last time, it was now or never.  Taking three kids - a hyper boy, a toddler, and a newborn, all by myself was a scary thought.   I was really nervous, and this was one trip to Disneyland I wasn't really looking forward too.  Luckily, it went pretty smoothly and we had a good time.  It was a lot of work, but I'm glad I just braved it out and went.    We didn't go on a lot of rides because I just couldn't wait in long lines with all three. I have never gotten so much attention before at Disneyland.  I had the older two in our double stroller, and Blake in the sling.  People kept asking me if I was meeting someone else there.  When I told them I was there alone, they would always comment, "Wow, you are brave!"  I replied, "Nope - just crazy!!"  Ha ha ha.  The hardest part was trying to go on the Pirates ride.  Wesley really wanted to go on it, so it was one ride I wanted to make sure we went on.  Normally I carry Chase if he gets scared or fussy, but with the baby on me, I couldn't.  He got scared and sat on the ground and wouldn't move. He did this three times in line, and I had to stop and let everyone pass until I could talk him into moving again.  It was a long line, I was sweating, Blake was starting to get fussy, Wesley was starting to panic thinking we might not get to go on the ride, and it was at that moment that I realized my kids were pretty much in control.  Normally I feel very in control, but at that moment, Chase had all the power.  Stuck in the middle of a long, winding line, I couldn't do anything until he decided to move.  People kept offering to help, but there was really nothing anyone could do. One guy told me I was a really good mom, and I don't think he knew how much that meant at the time! Finally we made it, but it was a lot of work just to ride that one ride.  We only went on a few more - the Carousel, Winnie the Pooh, and the Train.  It was Spring Break, so it was really busy and I just couldn't do much more.  We stayed a few hours, and that was enough.  We had a good time, and I have loved taking my boys to Disneyland over the past year.  We have made a lot of wonderful memories, and it was nice to end our Disney journey with all three boys :-) 

Blake hanging out while we ate lunch next to the river under the Hungry Bear Restaurant

The pretty area where we ate our lunch
Wesley wanted to dump half of his lunch in the river to feed all the ducks.  They had a lot of fun feeding the ducks and watching them swim

I let each of them pick out a toy to remind them of our Disneyland adventure.  Blake was fussy at the end so I was kind of rushing the boys, but Chase picked out a cute Dumbo set that comes with Jumbo and Dumbo, and Wesley got a big Jack Skelington bean ball thing.  I love what Chase picked because I used to sing him that song "Baby Mine", and it kind of represents Mommy taking her babies to Disneyland :-) 

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