Monday, March 10, 2014

One Month Cutie

My little squishy is one month old, and what a sweet little baby he is.  I have been trying to practice more of an attachment parenting/peaceful parenting style with him.  I nurse on demand, I put him in my wrap  if he needs to be held while I am trying to get things done around the house, and I try to respond to his needs before he starts crying. So far he is a pretty easy going baby, and trying to meet his needs right away seems to be making life easier.  He doesn't cry very much and adjusting to him at home has been pretty easy.  However, no matter how easy a new baby might be, the newborn stage is always tiring.  Getting up every few hours round the clock for a month is starting to take its toll.  I'm not nearly as tired as I was with Wesley when he was a baby,  but still - I am tired.  :-)  Blake still gets up every 3 to 4 hours at night.  There have been a few nights were he has only gotten up once at night, but it is still hard.   The hardest part is really just working around the schedule of two other little boys who need love and attention too.  Everything is going really well though, and life is starting to get back to normal and we are getting back on a schedule.  I think the newborn stage is a great way to teach parents how to just relax, slow down, and take things easy.  Sometimes, babies just need to be held, and that is all that matters.  Not all the dishes, not all the laundry - all that matters is loving that sweet baby.  Sometimes while cuddling him I am worried about all the things that need to get done, and I often remind myself that this time is fleeting.  I often look at pictures of my older boys when they were tiny babies and wish I could put my arms through the picture to cuddle them for a few minutes.  Now is my chance to enjoy my baby while he is still tiny, and that is kind of what I have been doing the last month - just appreciating Blake and all his newness.  There is so much to enjoy.  Those cute arms that flap and move all over.  Those sweet little toes. That oh so soft fluffy hair.  Those sweet baby squeaks (we call him squeakers because he makes so many cute noises).  That baby smell.  That innocent little face that stares into my eyes like he has known me for a million years.  That sweet gummy smile that makes everything in the world seem ok.  I love holding him on my chest, and when his little warm baby body falls peacefully asleep against me, life is good.  Life is really good, and I feel so blessed to have my three cute boys.  This stage is tiring, but it is the fastest stage of a child's life, and I am making sure to soak up every ounce of his sweet newborn spirit before he gets any bigger.  I want to hold him and squeeze him all day, and you know what - I think I just might :-) 

We blessed Blake yesterday, and Jason gave a beautiful blessing.  I wish I would have recorded the blessing, but some of the main blessings he gave him were:  that he would love his brothers and family and always have a good relationship with them; that he would serve the lord and be close to him and remain faithful; that he would find joy and happiness in life and in what ever he chooses to do;  that he would serve others and look out for those in need and have a desire to help them; and he blessed him to have a sound body and mind.  Jason also told him that life is hard and challenging, but it is also joyful and blessed him to be happy and find joy in all he does.  We had some family and friends come over to our house after, and it was nice.  I always get stressed about things like that, but it was nice to see everyone, and it is always nice to be able to let family enjoy Blake for a little while too. 

5 days old
1 month

ready for church

mama kangaroo

cute fluffy head after bath


Jennifer enjoying some cuddles

1 comment:

aprilaleman said...

I didn't know attachment parenting was a thing, but that's what I've done with my two as well. I swear it helps them not freak about things and learn to be pretty chill from a young age. You are a sweet mom and I truly enjoy your blog. :)