Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Things to remember, and lots of pictures!

As I have said before, time with a baby moves so fast.  Any good parent wants their children to grow and become strong and healthy.  However, there is just something kind of sad about how fast newborns grow.  Maybe it is because it is an obvious manifestation of how fast life flies by.  It is hard because the first few months are often the most tiring, and it is harder to remember and appreciate all the little things when sleep deprived.  There are a few little things I want to remember about my little Blake before he gets bigger, and before my sleep deprived mind forgets all this stuff!!

---After he takes a bath, Blake's soft fluffy hair poofs out all over the place.  Like, seriously sticks up all over.  It is sooo soft though - like a little soft chick. I love to rub my check against his soft fluffy cute head.  It makes me so happy. His hair is like a mullet - short on top in the front, but really long in the back.  It is such a pretty color too.  We will see what color it ends up being.

---He has some crazy dreams from what I can tell.  He has long periods of REM sleep, where his eyes open and close fast,  he makes lots of noise, and breaths fast.   It seems like he is running in his sleep or something!

---I put him down to bed around 9 or 10.  I nurse him, burp him, and them swaddle him in the swaddle me wraps.  I put him in his bassinet with his paci, and he goes right to sleep.  He wakes around 2, and after feeding and changing I wrap him back up.  He takes a little longer to get to sleep, but if I turn on the vibrator on the bassinet, he usually falls asleep by 3 and wakes again around 5.  This time after feeding, I usually bring him to bed because he is often wide awake.  If I am lucky, I can get him to sleep until 8.  However, he is a crazy sleeper and I have been baby punched in the face quite a few times.  I am a light sleeper, so everytime he moves (which is a lot), I wake up.  I love waking up in the morning though to his cute little face next to mine.

---He LOVES his swing.  I hold him most of the day, but he is getting a little fussier as he gets older.  He usually falls right to sleep in the swing, and will stay there for hours if I need to eat dinner, take a shower, and so on. 

---He is a super noisy and messy eater.  When he nurses he makes all sorts of squeaks, gulps, grunts, and other loud noises.   He also unlatches a lot,  which causes us both to become covered in milk nearly every time he eats. 

---Both the boys want to hold him all the time.  Chase usually lasts 20 seconds before saying "all done" in his sweet little voice.  Wesley loves to hold him as long as Blake will allow, and loves when Blake looks up at him.  Wesley tries to teach him all about life and loves to talk to him.

---Blake LOVES his bath.  He gets so calm and relaxed as I pour warm water over him and as he lays in his tub.  You can tell it feels familiar and comforting to him like when he was inside me. 

---He loves being carried in the wrap nice and tight on me, but he is so big that he is super squished when I carry him in the newborn hold. 

---He has started getting bad baby acne from my lovely hormones.  Chase got that too and it went away pretty fast, so I am hoping for the same this time. 

---He loves walks, and going outside.  He seems curious about his surroundings, and likes to look around until he falls asleep (only takes a minute or so and he is out).

---He smiled at me for the first time yesterday.  I haven't been able to get him to do it again, but I don't think it matters how many kids I have - that first smile is one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen.  Those pure, sweet baby smiles just melt my heart!!  He also smiles all the time while sleeping, and I love it! 

I have been busy taking lots of pictures.  I don't want Blake to be able to say he doesn't have as many pics as his brothers because he is the third child.  ;-) 
My three sweet boys - I am one blessed Mama!

All ready for bed

There is nothing like snuggling a new baby (another Wesley picture)

I just want to squish his cuteness!

Going for walks takes some creativity now  :-) If we are going on a small walk, Wesley will walk and Blake will go in the stroller. 

I still can't believe he is all mine :-)

babies are cute, but there is just something extra cute about a little sleeping, squishy baby

cute little legs

This was taken on one of the many walks I went on the last month of pregnancy.  I know I have been through this three times, but I still can't believe my little baby was squished in there!  Such a miracle

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