Monday, February 17, 2014

Life with a newborn

Life is good.  Really good.  I am so happy and content (and a little tired) right now. Blake will be two weeks old in two days, and I am so very grateful for my little family.  Jason has 5 weeks off of work, and has been such a huge help the last two weeks.  I don't know if I would have survived without him.  He is my rock, and I am extremely grateful for his support, love, patience, and help.  It is always a little bit of an adjustment after a new baby arrives,  but so far things have been going very smoothly, and everything seems pretty normal. He perfectly fits in our family, and just belongs. Since Jason has been helping out with the older boys, I have been able to spend a lot of time just holding, cuddling, and nursing Blake.  With each child, I appreciate the newborn stage that much more, and I just want to relish the little precious time I have with my brand new baby.  I am thankful I have been able to do that.  Night isn't too bad, but it is still tiresome.  I put him down around 9 or 10, and he usually gives me 4 or 5 hours of sleep after I put him to bed before waking up.  After that it is harder to get him back to sleep, but I know it takes a little while to get newborns adjusted to a sleep routine.  However, this time goes by way too fast, and I love having a sweet little newborn in our home. I think the hardest part is just trying to find time for all the kids.  It is hard when I am peacefully nursing on my bed, and the older boys come in and start jumping on the bed giggling and laughing.  I know they need Mommy time too, and I know it will take a little while to figure all the logistics out.  It is a bit different having a newborn with two older boys who are crazy and loud and rambunctious.  With my first child, things were quiet and calm and all my energy was devoted to Wesley.   Now, the baby has to get used to sleeping with lots of noise and craziness around him.  He also has to get used to being held in one hand while Mommy tries to get his brother's dressed, fed, or tended to with the other hand.  However, we are making it work and figuring things out.  The boys are adjusting sooo well.  Wesley LOVES Blake.  He told me, "I love my baby brother sooo much.  I can't wait for another baby to come out!!"  He loves to brush his hair, and hold him.  He tells me all the time that Blake is his baby.  It is really sweet.  The boys have been so gentle with Blake too.  Jason has been giving Wesley and Chase lots of love when Mommy is busy with the baby.  They have been watching a lot of movies, playing outside a lot, and going on little Daddy adventures.  He took them to Bass Pro shop one day and even packed them a picnic lunch and let them ride a carousel at the mall.  We also went to John's Incredible Pizza one day.  We had a coupon for free play, so the boys (including Jason) got to go on the rides and play with all the arcade games for two hours.  I mostly sat with the baby while the boys went around and had fun.  Jason also set the tent up in the back yard, and they all went camping one night in the tent.  I have been going on walks as well, and we have walked to the park a few times.  I love getting out, but it is a little harder with a newborn, and I am still a little paranoid about germs.  However, we have been having fun and keeping busy just enough to not go stir crazy, while letting Mommy rest and recover and spend lots of time with Blake.  I feel really good, and I am healing very quickly.  My body is bouncing back, and it is nice to feel normal again.  However,  I was putting some of my maternity clothing away, and I did get a little sad.  I am so happy to have my body back.  There are so many things I can do now that I couldn't do while pregnant.  I feel good, and I love being able to walk without all the aches and pains.  However,  I always feel a little empty for a while after delvery, knowing the little life I was creating for 40 weeks is no longer inside me anymore.  It is so weird to go from one body to two, and it takes a while to get adjusted to not being pregnant.  I miss being pregnant and feeling his kicks, and rubbing my big belly.  I am soooo happy he is here though - healthy and beautiful and perfect.  He is just the sweetest little baby, and my heart melts everytime I look into his sweet little face.  I love those sweet noises he makes while sleeping.  His fluffy strawberry blond hair is soo cute. I just want to snuggle him and kiss him all day.  I can't get over how innocent and pure newborn's are.  They are so helpless, and he depends on me for everything.  He is such a gift, and one of my greatest blessings.

Chase loves watching Mommy change Blake's diaper

Just a few days old, but he looks so big! It is amazing he fit inside me!

watching the baby during tummy time

Grandma loves holding Blake

This outfit (minus the hat) was Jason's when he was a baby!

Camping in the backyard with the boys (Blake slept inside with me)

First day at church - he is only a week old, but look how long he is.  He is going to outgrow this car seat way too soon I fear!

Early morning cuddles

a new baby is so fascinating

so much hair!!

1 comment:

aprilaleman said...

I would say you have another cute red head there. So cute and fun!!!