Saturday, April 19, 2014

Life of a Mom

“Motherhood is near to divinity.
It is the highest, holiest service to be assumed by mankind.
 It places her who honors its holy calling and service next to the angels.” 

  Sometimes being a mom is hard.  Really hard.  Not hard in the same way that going to school full time is hard.  Not hard in the same way that running miles, or swimming laps is hard.  Not hard in the same way that being a Chemist is hard.  All those things are hard...but being a mom has a whole different set of challenges.  I guess it is the little, repetitive things that add up each day that make being a mom overwhelming sometimes.  Like, the mountains of laundry that never, ever go away.  Like, the crumbs under the table that seem to multiply no matter how often I vacuum.  Like, the stains that cover my carpet no matter how often I steam clean it.  Its the toys on the floor that stub my toes.  Its the toothpaste smeared on the mirrors, the muddy hand-prints on the counters, and the dirty footprints on the rug.  Its the cups of water that get spilled on the table pretty much every single day.  Its the mail that gets torn to peaces all over the floors.  Its the bathwater that get sprayed all over the bathroom.  Its the cushions of the couch that get thrown around the room, the pacifiers that get lost, and the fingerprints all over the newly cleaned windows.  Its the jewelry that gets flushed down the toilet, my belongings that get broken, and the expensive rash cream that gets smeared all over the room.  Its the diapers that need to be changed (so far I have changed about 850+ diapers just on Blake in the last 2.5 months, plus another two kids over the last 5 years...that is A LOT of diapers), the bums to be wiped, the scrapped knees to be bandaged, the noses to be blown, and the throw-up to be cleaned.  Its the crying, the yelling, the pushing, the fighting, the lessons to be taught, and the time outs to be given.  Its the back talking, the not listening, and the little attitudes. Its the middle of the night nightmares, the middle of the night diaper blow-outs, the middle of the night feedings, and the early morning wakings. Its the curdled milk in lost sippy cups, the endless piles of prepared meals that go uneaten, and the marks that have been scratched into my nice wooden furniture by little hands.  Its the snot wiped on the couch, the pieces of broken crayons that are all over the house, and the tears and wailing that comes from the simple words: "Please pick up your toys!!"  Its the constant colds the boys seem to pick up from everywhere no matter how hard I try to clean their hands and keep them healthy.  Its the car seats to be buckled, the diaper bags to lug around, and the hours I have to spend in the morning getting everyone ready. The list can go on and on, and I feel like over the last week I have been boggled down by all the little mundane tasks of motherhood.  When one is sleep deprived, things just seem harder than they are.  Dealing with all these little things is not a big deal once in a while, but when they seem to happen every single day over and over, it can get overwhelming.  When Jason gets home late, and I have been with the boys all day, and then again I deal with them all night, it feels like there really is no break time for Mommy.  That is ok.  I signed up for this job, and I am extremely grateful for it.  I am forever grateful that I can stay home with my boys.  It is an amazing blessing that I wouldn't change for anything in the world. My kids are the most amazing people I have ever met, and my greatest blessing. They each bring such a special spirit to our home, and I can't believe they are mine.  I am thankful for their healthy bodies and cute personalities every single day.  However, even though I am happy doesn't mean I can't also be exhausted.  Just because I am grateful, doesn't mean I can't also feel overwhelmed.  And you know, what?  That is ok.  It is ok to feel that way sometimes.  I think all mom's have those days, and that is perfectly normal.  I think as long as I remain positive, and remember that with each hard day, there are many, many more amazing days.  So many older mom's tell me how they wish they could go back to the time when their kids were little and appreciate it more.  I am trying my hardest to do just that - make the most out of these short years.  These years where they still need me to kiss boo-boo's,  cuddle them after nightmares, and reassure them that there is no monster in the dark.  These years where they want me to wrestle them on the floor,  tickle their "pits" and give pony rides.  These years when a silly Mommy is a cool Mommy, and where blowing bubbles in milk causes an eruption of laughter (even though Mommy told them not to do that a million times).  These years while my boys still love hugging and kissing me.  These years when Wesley tells me he is sooooo glad he picked me to be his Mommy.  These years when my boys love to pick me flowers, and bring me special 'treasures' like snails and worms.  These years where I can just sit and cuddle them on the couch,  rub their head as I sing them a goodnight song, and hold their hand to cross the street.  These years when they declare with open arms that they love me THHHHIIIIISSSSS much!!!  These years when the tickle monster is amazingly awesome, and when all three boys can be crammed into the handicap bathroom at the store as Mommy uses the restroom, and not think anything of it.  These years when they love to pop bubbles, play with sticks, blow on dandelion weeds, and run around in diapers or undies. These years when they are still my little boys...they might be crazy and exhausting...but they are small for such a short time. It might feel like I am going to be doing this stuff forever, but when I stop to think about it - it is only a few years before they will be independent and won't need me as much.  Right now is so important. This time when childhood is magical and everything is new and exciting. This is the time to really make the most out of.   Right now I am sooo tired and worn out, but I am sooo grateful I have the opportunity to be tired and worn out.  Its a hard job - but its the best job.  (I have to remind myself of that somedays, lol)

These three handsome, crazy little men are my world :-)

...and I thought it was hard getting two to smile for the camera at the same time....


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