Saturday, December 14, 2013

Disneyland, and other Christmas happenings

When I found out I was going to be 8 months pregnant during Christmas time, I assumed I would just want to sit around and not do anything.  I got almost all of my shopping done before December started, the tree was up right after Thanksgiving, and all the gifts were wrapped and under the tree by the first week.  I figured I would be way too tired to do any of that towards the end, so I tried to get it all done early.  I am glad I did, because now I can just enjoy the holidays, and focus on the boys and making Christmas special for them.   I still feel pretty good, so I am taking advantage and trying to do as much as I can while I still can.  We had our ward Christmas party; we went to visit Santa at the Bass Pro shops and ride the carousel for free; we drove around the Chino lights (Wesley fell asleep though); we went to our local libraries' "winter Wonderland" party; and we went to Disneyland in the evening to see all the pretty lights, see the parade, and experience the magic of Disneyland at Christmas time.   It has been a fun week, and I think I am enjoying this holiday season more than I have in year's past.  I am just hoping and praying that no one gets sick!  :-)

So, I think this will make Disneyland visit #13.  After the last visit, I was so worn out I really didn't think I would make it back there while pregnant.  I was really sad that we missed the Christmas parade and fireworks though, so on a whim I decided to brave it out, and take the boys in the evening to see all the magic.  I didn't know when we would have the chance to go at Christmas again, and I just HAD to take them to see all the lights and such.  I almost felt guilty for having a pass, and not taking them at least once in the evening to see everything.  I always go in the mornings, and I have only stayed once in the evenings by myself.  There are so many people, it is not scary or anything, just a little harder to do everything in the dark myself, especially when the boys get tired or fall asleep.  We left around 3:30, and the parade was at 5:30.  There was a bad accident, and we were stopped on the freeway for a long time.  By the time we made it into the park, it was already 5:30.  There were a million people there, and we squeezed into a spot along the very end of the route on Main street and made it for the parade.  Whew! There were sooo many people, it was overwhelming.  We were shoulder to shoulder when the parade was over, and I tried to make my way up to the castle, while tons of people were leaving to go home.  Disney tries to make everything magical at Christmas and by the time we finally made it to the castle, there were a million people there for the lighting ceremony.  All the lights along main street are turned off, and they have a little 7 min program with music to turn on the castle lights.  It was really pretty, but here we were stuck in the traffic again, lol.  We squeezed our way over to Its a Small World, and there was some sort of presentation there too.  So, once again, there were tons of people.  They had music, and an awesome light and projector display on the front of Its a Small World.  It was so pretty, but all these shows attract a lot of people!  :-)  I never wait more than 5 or 10 min for that ride, but we had to go on it.  The boys were really excited to go on it, but the wait said 45 min.  Luckily, it was more like 15 min, and we got on pretty quickly.  After that we waited about 10 min for the firework show to start.  We were in the perfect location near Its a Small World.  All the lights went off (again, lol), and all that was left on was the projections on Its a Small World.  It is amazing how Disney does it - there are hundreds of thousands of people, and yet, as soon as these shows start, it feels like no one else is around.  I was holding Chase's little hand, and watching those fireworks along with the music, and the pretty scenes being projected on the building was just....magical.  I know, super cheesy, but it really was.  There is just something special about seeing your kids light up and experience that kind of pure joy.  At that moment - there was nothing else in the world that mattered except for their happiness.   My heart was going to explode.  So fun.  Baby didn't like the loud fireworks much though; he gave me a few good kicks when the loud ones went off.  After the show, the "snow" starts falling along with pretty music.  Disney sure knows how to set the scene!  There were tons of people, but it seemed like no one was even around for those few minutes.  All the tired kids were happy.  All the grumpy parents had huge smiles on their faces.  It was so fun, and worth it right there too see the boy's excitement of playing in the "snow."  After that was over, we were really hungry so we went to Pizza Port to get some dinner.  It was really calm over there, so we had a nice relaxing dinner, just the three of us.  After that we headed home, tired but happy.  :-)

I asked Wesley to pose by the fireplace, and this is what he gave me :-p 

On the way to Disneyland, as we were sitting in the horrible traffic, I kept looking back at this sweet face smiling at me, and it helped get through the long drive!  

Horrible picture, but we were on the boats, and my little camera is not good at night time moving shots.  However, I wanted to get a picture of how pretty the light projections were on Its a Small World.  They had all kinds of scenes projected up there.  It was sooo pretty. 

"Mommy!!!  Snow tastes like soap...and candy canes!!"

All the fun things the boys got to make at the library Winter Wonderland Party.  It was really well organized, and they got to do so many fun activities. 

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