Tuesday, November 5, 2013

This kid makes me happy

Wesley informed me that he doesn't want any toys for Christmas this year.  "Mommy, toys are not fun.  Crystals, minerals and rocks are shiny and more fun." That is seriously all he plays with, and all he wants.  I took Wesley to Michaels craft store to buy some last minute things for my Halloween costume, and he was in heaven.  All those aisles of beads and "treasures" are more exciting than Toys R Us.  He told me that is what he wants Santa to bring him - lots of beads and treasures.  He even got the Michaels add from the newspaper and circled all the beads and shinny treasures in it so he can send it to Santa. When aunt Jennifer asked him what he wants her to give him for Christmas he told her "Maggots (he meant agates) and a diamond ring."   Ha ha ha,  what four year old doesn't want any toys, just rocks?! He is so silly.   We took him to a rock convention a few months back and bought him some cheap minerals and crystals.  He even got a free geode, and got to watch them cut it open.  Then, Wesley has been saving up his money he has been earning and wanted to spend it on "rocks, minerals and crystals."  We took him to the swap meet hoping someone would have something rock related in one of the booths.  Normally rocks are not something most people sell at a swap meet, but we figured we would walk around and see if we had any luck.  We were walking down the last row, and low and behold - a rock stand.  There was a guy, a "rock guy" who had tons of different rocks.  He was so nice to Wesley, and after telling him our story, he gave us a good deal on some rocks - including a ruby!  Wesley spent $6 on some opals, a ruby, an agate, and a few other little things I can't remember.  He came home, and carefully placed them into his different containers.  He enjoys making designs with all his treasures, and those rocks are really his life right now.  :-)  I need to figure out a better organizational unit for everything, because he has numerous random containers of his treasures all over the house.  His desire to figure out the world at such an early age amazes me.  It can wear me out sometimes, but I love his enthusiasm.  He never stops questioning, and never stops wondering. His little brain is constantly working a mile a minute.  His favorite apps on Jason's ipad are a body app that explores the inside of the body, and a space app that explores the objects in our solar system.  While walking he likes to pick up leaves and tell me about their veins, and about the chlorophyll in them.  I am curious to see how he will do in Kindergarten.  He loves to learn, so if they teach him about something he loves - like science - he will do great.  However, when he gets board, he gets very antsy and has a hard time sitting still, so I'm not sure how he will do.  He also can get very hyper and silly around other kids his age.  We still have until next year to think about school though, so I am just enjoying my time with my energetic, silly, funny, and smart little guy. 

Showing Chase all his rocks.  Beware - if you ever come over, he will give you a long lecture describing his rock collection

One of his rock designs

I get silly faces in my pictures form him 85% of the time :-)

Making art with shells

in "the zone"

finished product

One day a few months back the boys wanted to go outside and I told them they needed shoes on, but I couldn't do it for some reason (probably a lame reason if I had time to grab my camera and take this picture!).  Sweet Wesley tried really hard to help Chase put on his shoes.  They fight so much, but their love for each other is so strong. 

Holding his bag of money he has been saving.  Love this sweet boy! 


aprilaleman said...

Just FYI I saw a good deal on geodes in the Oriental Trading Catalog. Like 12 rocks for $6 or something like that. You are also supposed to break them yourself. Just so you know if you are looking for Christmas or something.

Chelsea said...

I love his rock collection, how cool! Isn't it fun seeing life through the eyes of a little one?!